Forum Slow


Staff member
I don't know if it's because we have heavier than normal traffic today, or if it's a software / hardware thing, but we are aware that there is a problem with the performance of the servers.

Techs are looking into it. Thanks for your patience!
Just one point I could not even refresh the "new posts" screen. All other pages on my browser refreshed just fine but the "new posts" ended up timing out a couple of times.

Works fine now, though!
It seems OK now and we did make an adjustment, but we'll see how it goes tomorrow during the busy time (10:00 12:00 AM ET) before claiming victory. :)
I dont think it is fixed, just took me over 2 minutes to get on, after a couple failed tries also

(15 min later), seems to be better now.
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The AutoTracker was probably updating. It virtually takes the site down while it runs - right about the time you posted. Most days I start it between 7:15 PM ET and 8:00 PM if I am around to do it, and it takes about 10 minutes to run.
I was going to post how slow the site was yesterday but noticed how many people were on. Just figured that was the problem so I logged off to help a little bit. Better luck today I hope. ;)
It seems better today, but I usually blame our network here for any slow websites... we have 1500 people sharing dial-up... grrrr
It seems "OK" to me compared to yesterday, but not great. Yesterday was bad. Also, looks like there are about 200-300 fewer people on today at this time compared to yesterday. Fridays are usually slower.