Following the money trail...

Thanks for the welcome posts. I would have replied earlier but I've got this AF job thing going that often gets in the way...oh yeah, that's why I've got TSP!

You can join our new Automated Tracker with just ten posts. Read the Automated Tracker Rules found in my signature. We lowered the post minimum for this new tracker because there is less administrative overhead, and members enter their own TSP fund allocations and transfers. When you have ten posts send me a Private Message (PM) with your email address. I will then set-up your user profile in the Automated Tracker.

Oops, sorry, I thought this was my intro thread and I was answering questions for you Dbog-- Sorry Dbog!! Just building up posts until I get to the magic 25.
Welcome to the board "Ponch" ... Ummm, I mean Dbog.:toung:

It's aways great when people have fun on this site. Enjoy and don't forget to share any funny Videos in the "Lounge"
Oops, sorry, I thought this was my intro thread and I was answering questions for you Dbog-- Sorry Dbog!! Just building up posts until I get to the magic 25.


New member
Same as most newbies; been watching, learning, gaining, and spreading the word. Much appreciation to all. This site and its valuable members rock!