FogSailing's Account Talk


Well-known member
We finally completed our cross country relocation to our retirement hot spot of Spokane, WA. What fun...NOT!!! But, it's good to be back in the Pacific Northwest after thirty five years of Government service and all that DC love I've experienced over the years.. Look forward to catching up on the "day to day - play by play" actions of the TSPers this week. As usual, I should have listened to Birchtree in late April. Oh well, one of these days I'll make a right move on my TSP account.

Given China's action on interst rates, I'll watch a day or two (and see what the leaders are doing) before making any decisions.

well i have crown or bud, the wife dont like to share the margerita or wine very much and right now i cant out run her or her frying pan:D
well i have crown or bud, the wife dont like to share the margerita or wine very much and right now i cant out run her or her frying pan:D

Just hide under the bed! But, make sure you get the last word in i.e., "Hell no I'm not coming out"!

Sorry FS: didn't mean to hi-jack your thread. But it looked like CC needed some quick advice!.......:D
Just hide under the bed! But, make sure you get the last word in i.e., "Hell no I'm not coming out"!

Sorry FS: didn't mean to hi-jack your thread. But it looked like CC needed some quick advice!.......:D

Spaf the Counselor, never ever have the last word. Let her think she won. You'll collect your "reward" later
Only trouble is they usually have this nifty "rescheduling" ability which is not prone to coincide your know ...conflicts with golfing, bowling, sailing, or meanest of all...SPORTS..:D

T Y, F S they said maybe 3 shots but they are saying they need to replace the ruptured one (fiber disk) dont want to be cut yet if the shot works and i can get around pretty good i will stay away from knife :notrust: GL

Best of luck on this. I've been surgery yet. Those shots are amazing....the releif is almost instantaneous...but you have to be lugging that PC on your shoulder to work, or anything else heavy for that matter..Hope they do right by you..If you're in DC as i had been...Anova Hospital was great.

T Y, F S they said maybe 3 shots but they are saying they need to replace the ruptured one (fiber disk) dont want to be cut yet if the shot works and i can get around pretty good i will stay away from knife :notrust: GL

Don't go under the knife!! ALL the people I know who went under the knife have regretted the decision. Try every nonsurgical technique you can find. There has got to be something out there that will work for you. But in the end the pain and your quality of life will probably dictate the course you eventually choose. I know the pain, I've been to the emergency room a couple of times for my lowerback...I think I would rather have my testicles pounded flat with a wooden mallet than go through that pain again. :blink: GL
Ooouuuuch laughing and cyring :embarrest:on that REMO thanks i hope the shot works i keep praying and believe it can go away i have people in the philippians trying to do there thing i dont no what kind of medicine it is but this man puts something on paper you cant open it just carry it with you all the time shoot i will try ya never know GL:cool:
Time for today's "MARKET RANT". ....Another positive day for the markets... (although for a while this afternoon I thought we were going to see negative territory for the Dow)..You'd think it would be easy with so few TSP options...and all the information available to decide what choice to make each morning to maximize the growth of that nestegg..

Most days it's like picking Door Number 3 on "Let's Make a Deal", when you knew you should have picked Door Number 1, and you would have been right..There's always a Monte Hall out there trying to make you question your good judgement.

So we have the same thing today..The housing news wasn't great but it wasn't that bad either (really more of the same - after all 2011 is just around the corner)..Consumer confidence is up...Bless our American consumer and that feel good feeling we must all be getting by purchasing large quantities from our Japanese, Korean, and Chinese friends at Wal-Mart...This week we're officially talking to the Iranians (no idea where that will lead but it will take at least a year to figure that out)...Oil's down a bit and inflation is slowly perkolating, but not at a pace that cooks the lobster too quickly...and now we've arrived at June without a market correction...and there's still that nasty Greenspan comment what will tomorrow bring? But why worry. After all, we're advised that the market is prescient and happy days are on the horizon.

The Bloomberg taling heads give Greenspan's comment a 10% probability, while I'm leaning a bit more towards the 30-40% (somewhat because we haven't had that market correction), but also because: (a) our trade imbalance is making a statisically significant difference in the wealth available to Asia, and while we're a long way from a true balance of wealth among nations...things are starting to equal out, and as they do...expect "ripples" here and there from time to time (b) Greenspan doesn't just open his mouth to cause chaos...he was a public servant for a long time and did an impressive job (c) things just feel too good...

So, I'm 50% G and 50% F for tomorrow...Bottom line: I've been out of sync with this market since can now all safely jump into the C,S, or I tomorrow and make a mint..

I never have a problem with making decisions - I make the same decision every day. Be right and sit tight. Look at today as an opportunity.
I see that 12%, Griffin, and TSP Talk are holding tight in F as of this moment, but several are considering a jump into I or C tomorrow..which door to choose..hmmmm

I decided to bail out of the hot zone for a day. The Asian markets could still go up once the Chinese get their feet under them, but I don't know their culture or how long it will take them to come to their senses...the C and S funds have been on a tear and I think will need a short I'm 80 G, 20 F tomorrow..who knows, maybe I'll make a penny..:)

After watching all morning...I decided to take a small chance that the markets won't rally this I'm with Paladin's thinking tomorrow..80G/20S...hope it works out.

Hello F S i am getting around alot better left leg still numbness hip hurts in morning ,just cant challenge myself to much or back starts spazing they are going to inject a shot right into joints either this thursday or next i did not take good notes and have a call back awaiting nurse but i am praying and so happy we dont have to cut just yet been setting on G lilly for a while was hoping for alot of luck. cant make it on lilly and learning the hard way this year, ole ebbenflow system looks real good i might have to tie on and follow him but sometimes i get crazy jump out of box usually cost me but love the game GL and THANK YOU:)
Hello F S i am getting around alot better left leg still numbness hip hurts in morning ,just cant challenge myself to much or back starts spazing they are going to inject a shot right into joints either this thursday or next i did not take good notes and have a call back awaiting nurse but i am praying and so happy we dont have to cut just yet been setting on G lilly for a while was hoping for alot of luck. cant make it on lilly and learning the hard way this year, ole ebbenflow system looks real good i might have to tie on and follow him but sometimes i get crazy jump out of box usually cost me but love the game GL and THANK YOU:)

Hi CC:

I enjoy watching the leaders (12%, Ebb, Thunder5 Griffin, Fundsurfer, Nnuts, Thunder5 and others) and trying to mke a good decision after reviewing their allocaion decisions. Those guys have the feel for this stuff...and as long as they're making money...we all win..Good luck and remember that shots don't hurt!!! :D

thanks, hey send pictures of your new ride (boat) i am going to talk w h into taking me for a ride when my back gets better looks like a blast:cool: G L in todays trading hope i get back in time to post meetings always seem to run into post time:mad: