The guns I have in order of when and why I got them (as best as I can remember):
1.) Remington Fieldmaster 572 .22 short/.22 long/.22 long rifle (it accepts all three with no configuration changes needed)
- This was my father's rifle. The trigger has about a 2 ounce pull with zero travel, making it VERY accurate and a bit unsafe when the safety is off. I can slap the stock and it will fire. It has an aluminum/steel barrel. The gun weighs under 3 pounds.
2.) Remington 1100 12 gauge (with extended magazine which must be removed and a magazine plug inserted for hunting). A shotgun may only hold three rounds (one in the chamber) when hunting. Mine can hold nine.
- I got this for skeet shooting and to hunt water fowl and squirrels (which, after three tries, I determined taste like dry but greasy dark meat chicken that I can't stand to eat unless it is smothered in BBQ sauce).
3.) Marlin 75-20 (20th Anniversary Edition) .22LR
- I wanted a .22 auto. I got one. This gun is not accurate. I once flushed a rabbit near my feet when out shooting with this gun. I traced a nice arc behind the rabbit as he ran around me in a circle about five feet away. After the hammer clicked following the shot of the 12th? round, the bunny bee-lined away. He was zipping around me so fast, I couldn't seem to get a lead on him. Every round hit a few inches behind him (that was my fault, not the gun's).
4.) Ruger Redhawk .44 Magnum
- This is a very nice handgun. I can rapid fire all six shots and make a decent grouping (12 inch pattern) at 15 yards. My first pistol.
5.) Remington 7400 .270 (I no longer have this one)
- I needed a decent deer rifle. My 1st wife liked to hunt too. I let her have this one when we split and I kept a .30-06 I got later.
6.) Remington 7600 .30-06 (the 7400 is an auto, this is a pump; pumps have more power since some is used up on an auto's ejection method)
- I wanted a more powerful rifle. When shooting at deer, you don't notice the recoil. When sighting in the scope and after shooting 10 rounds, you notice. Once when sighting this in, after the 10th round, the scope met my brow. After wiping away the blood, I figured it was sighted well enough.
7.) Chinese SKS 7.62x39mm
- This was given to me as a Christmas present by my brother. It is fairly heavy and has low recoil due to the weight and the short cartridge size. It has a bayonet lug (no bayonet) and only an internal 5 or 6 round magazine. This is loaded with stripper clips; the rounds are slipped into a strip of metal (the stripper clip) by their flanges. To load the gun, you open the bolt, insert the clip through the top of the breach, and push (strip) the bullets off the clip into the magazine. It is a fun way to load. Later, you reattach rounds to the empty clips. I have 5-10 clips. I've only had this gun out shooting once. I prefer the .30-06 or the .22 Fieldmaster (depending on target).
8.) Winchester 1906 .22 short (this is an old shooting gallery gun from around 1910
- I was given this from my great aunt's collection when she passed away. A .22 short is so slow and quiet, I could hear the bullets going through tree leaves when I shot it.
9.) Smith and Wesson 1076 (FBI 10mm)
- When the FBI decided to stop using the S&W 10mm, they were sold to the public. My father purchased three. One went to me, one to my brother, and he kept one. Mine later went to my first wife since I had the .44 Mag. (I AM an idiot but, was happy to see her leave, though I do miss those two guns.)
10.) Israeli Arms Desert Eagle .50 action express (means magnum but, that's trademarked)
- I wanted it. My wife (2nd / current) gave it to me for a Christmas present. These come in about 10 different finishes. Mine is gold tiger-striped
11.) Ruger LCP (light, compact pistol) .380
- At 9.9 ounces, 5.16" long, .82" wide, and 3.6" tall, I can hide this on a table by putting my hand over it. I have a concealed handgun permit but, you may have noticed the other two handguns I have can only be concealed under a jacket (maybe). This one can be carried a the front pocket of a pair of shorts. However, it hurts to shoot it (I can only get 1 and a half fingers on the grip) and the accuracy is awful. It has an integrated laser sight that is pretty much worthless (except maybe to blind an attacker or scare him even more).
I would like to get a Luger 9mm, an 8 or 10 gauge shotgun, a double barrel shotgun, a target pistol (not sure what yet), a .50 Barret, and an M2 HMG. I will need to be very well off to get that last one. An M2, if you can find one for sale, is easily $60K now and the ammo is about $5 per round (or roughly $100 per second / $6,000 per minute).