felixthecat Account Talk


Active member
My current status is 100 percent G. I do believe a start to a new downleg has begun. I opted for preservation for now. :)

Also...I invite everyone to my thread. If your a bear...that is good. If your a bull...that is also good. I want to learn as much as the
next guy. I've been commenting for some time now but thought I would make the tracker now.
Good luck felix!

What was Felix the Cat's thing, some kind of magic bag or box? I do know that he was a wonderful, wonderful cat. :)
Felixthecat has a magical bag which allow him to avoid market downswings. So far that has been the case if you can call down 11.3 percent in 2008. This year I'm up 2.67 percent.

Get back at ya'll later. It is the weekend and I don't research the market until Sunday. If I dig up anything good...I'll post it. :)
Felix - things went well for a profit - now I will wonder all weekend if I should have swept oo here into safety on your tailwind - Only the fact of IFT restrictions have kept me in - GL with your visit to the lily-pad! :)
hey, felixthecat- after getting you to post your birthday last year, I turn around and missed it entirely this year! I hope you had a great weekend for it!
Hey Felix! Another year come & gone! ...and judging by your year-end score for 2010, it shouldn't take you long to climb back up the ladder!
Happy Birthday, and Best wishes for the retirement funds.....


(when did you change your avatar?)
Thanks all for the B-day best wishes. You guys and gals are awesome. I had a great time with family. I'm always checking all of your threads so I know each and every one of you thru readings. I just thank you folks for your wisdom and kindness. My heart is warmed on this very cold morning. :)
AutoTracker IFT comment of the day for COB Tuesday July 10th.

felixthecat -- Moving to sidelines on recent big move up. Too quiet on the news front...something must be brewing.

Nice call, felixthecat !
Recent pullback in S fund looks like a decent short term opportunity. C fund near record highs and Relative Strength around 65...which would still give a little room to continue to move higher. Negative factors affecting stocks would be China and rising 10 YR Treasuries. I believe today's momentum will keep markets positive this week. I'm keeping a sharp eye on negative headwinds and consider my move into the market a short term one.
Ugly day out there in the market place. Not looking good and would not be surprised to see more selling last hour of trade. Maybe looking at 800-900 points to confirm a wicked week for us. Hope the Santa Rally is still in the cards but not feeling safe in this market environment where news stories are being sugar coated out of the white house. China and recession are big stories...but you know what...margin trading is going to be a huge problem if the market cannot right itself back up and quick. I saw a chart the other day that showed margin trading in this market is way over the two previous pre-recessions. Does anybody have that graphic still? Nevermind I found it. See it below.


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Made a move 50C/50S to catch a short ride up on the back of Trump positive China tweets on auto tariffs. Last two trading days show a bit of consolidation and stablization. Instinct is telling me we are going to pop Wednesday with perhaps carryover to Thursday and Friday maybe. Believe a government shutdown is inevitable if a continuing resolution is not implemented. So, decided Christmas looks a bit like coal in the stocking this year. There is a brief window to move up the TSP Ladder ranks...so pardon me if I don’t take this opportunity to make up some ground. I tried to post earlier when I moved but kept getting a browser block. Not sure what the issue was. Good luck on your trades!