Burro may be right about the saying but I have heard people born in the 19th century use that when something ceased to function. Way too late to ask any of them about it.
If by "real leftist liberals" you mean those that actually walk the walk, no, there are none. Just a lot that like to talk the talk and get the bennies. Such people, and I know there are a few around where you work, are useful to fulfill the role of union rep, EEOT council rep, employees association rep, monitoring who needs more squares checked for diversity training, coordinating said diversity training, organizing chili cookoffs, various lunches for charity, collections for various things, the CFC and many other worthy causes. Some of these people even find time to do some work. We are lucky there are people around to do these things.
I really enjoy reading your posts. I do think you get a little too pissed in them occasionally but so have I in the past. There are some around here who love to push buttons through putting up a very liberal (progressive?) belief. These people are very much enjoying their paycheck and all benifits that go with that.
One slight criticism. I think you may be confusing Lennon [John Winston Lennon, (9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980)] and Lenin [Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (22 April 1870 – 21 January 1924)]. Not saying that Lennon was not a socialist. Just saying it gets mixed up some times.