Exnavyew's Account Talk

Not the message of an improved trading relationship we had all hoped to hear.
Of course, there is a lot going on in the back room and the public comments are "just the news".
But, news is always a good thing to pin a slide or a rally on...so there is that..
Getting out today, back to the Lilly Pad..

If you had predicted a year ago that on Dec 18, 2018 the G-fund would be leading the TSP funds I wouldn't have believed it.


'And now it's G and C coming down the stretch with longshot G leading the pack.
Is that C making a move on the outside there?

There used to be someone on TSP TALK, cant remember who, that used to be that master at playing the F fund when the market was acting like this.
The F fund used to run counter to the equities trend, that hasn't consistently been the case of late. I remember 'don't trust the F-Fund.'
It definitely wasn't BirchTree *snort* :D

Though it might have been Intrepid_Timer (Intrepid_Trader at that time), he was killing it. That was around the time I started getting into trading / investing and used to follow him a bunch.
Scary market.
Way down from early Oct, futures are currently deep red (normally a great entry point) plus the Santa rally bias and I'm still too scared to buy. :eek:
Bite the bullet, jump in, ride it out and wait for the market to come to it's senses down the road? :scratchchin:
Go figure, nice upswing until the Fed raised rates. The Santa Train derailed rather violently. Now Govt. closure perhaps on Friday. I'm sure they'll come up with some crappy temporary fix. It's De javu, it happens every year.

If no Santa this year then maybe we'll have a 'Happy New Year' (ala January) cuz Wall Street will suddenly notice all the 'bargains' created by late 2018 carnage? What? It could happen. :nuts:
Some financial/stock market jokes:

The economy’s so bad, Exxon-Mobil laid off 15 Congressmen.

My stockbroker and I are working on a retirement plan. Unfortunately, it’s his!

A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.

The market may be bad, but I slept like a baby last night. I woke up every hour and cried.

From a trader after a market crash: “This is worse than a divorce. I’ve lost half my net worth and I still have a wife.”

A woman hears from her doctor that she only has 6 months to live. The doctor advises her to marry an economist. The woman asks, “Will this make me live longer?” The doctor answers, “No. But it will seem longer”.
Q: How do you find a small-cap fund manager?
A: Find a large-cap fund manager and wait.


I just called TSP and they said they will be open Monday regardless if the govt is 'shutdown' or not. I talked to 2 different service reps. Wanted to see if making an IFT before noon (Dec 24) was an option.

Below is from 2011, FWIW:

Impact of a FederalGovernment Shutdownon the Thrift Savings PlanMarch 4, 2011