ebbnflow's Account Talk

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My credit card was charged for the yearly rate on Oct 2nd, but I could not access the member area until Oct 6th. I tried in vein each night without luck. Paying members should get their subscriptions extended for the number of days service was not available.

I haven't seen any member info on the member side yet.

Actually, the IFT recommendations have been public up to this time, so your claim is without merit. However, were you to claim that you had subscribed to an exclusive service, but the proprietary information was still being displayed in the public domain, you might have an argument.

One could make a case that the subscription should not engage until the information is restricted to subscribers only...

Fair is fair...
A big one I see all the time is using "to" instead of "too", as in too much. Almost no one uses too anymore. Another one is "there" instead of "they're".
BTW I am married to a former school teacher, can't you tell?:)

Since we're off the subject, COUNT EVERY F IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE:


Answer within 10 seconds.
Hey Ebb, On Dr. Faustus' thread we have been having a discussion about your IFTs after the fact, when nothing can be done about making a move to your recommendation-not discussing IFT moves, but just general discussions. An example is a discussion today about what your recommendation was for last Friday. The TSPtalk team is rightfully trying to protect your interests and editing out anything that relates to your pay-for-view site. They are contending, and rightfully so, that if anyone talks about your pay-for-view site in any way, even of past IFTs, it should be you. That's fair enough; it's your site.
I would like to hear your take on this. Do you want others to know generally about your site, and the success it is having even if they are not members of your pay-for-view? I'm not suggesting that they have the IFT moves in order to follow your recommendations, but rather information about what a great system you have and why....so maybe they will be interested in joining your site. I've been following the TSPtalk for over six months and know nothing about RevShark because TSPtalk doesn't say anything about him except giving is web site information...which doesn't help.
To be fair, I haven't joined yet because I wanted the initial confusion to go away first and I am going to be gone most of this month without access to a computer. But I plan to join when I get back. (Which was probably a bad decision on my part since I've lost a lot of money this week without your guidance).
Anyway, let's get it from the horses' mouth, so to speak. Can we talk about you and your system in non-invasive ways, or are you dead to the TSPtalk web site like RevShark? If you are dead to TSPtalk, then you need to create a message board, so we can chat about the Ebbchart. That, to me, (discussing the IFT moves and why) is the best selling point for the Ebb-system.

Thanks for listening.
Were do I go to talk to other paid for service members on matters that should be between them and I???? No one else??
I see a need for a secure thread here, am I wrong???

Ebb, I'm talking to you!
Anyway, let's get it from the horses' mouth, so to speak. Can we talk about you and your system in non-invasive ways, or are you dead to the TSPtalk web site like RevShark? If you are dead to TSPtalk, then you need to create a message board, so we can chat about the Ebbchart. That, to me, (discussing the IFT moves and why) is the best selling point for the Ebb-system.
The answer is - talk away - just don't do anything to jeopardize the integrity of the system or give anything away for free that someone else is paying for. If you are not doing that - then you are fine.

It is very possible that we will have a paid member's only forum to discuss the different services, but that will take a lot of administrative work to manage. Please be patient while we work on the best solution.

My credit card was charged for the yearly rate on Oct 2nd, but I could not access the member area until Oct 6th. I tried in vein each night without luck. Paying members should get their subscriptions extended for the number of days service was not available.

I haven't seen any member info on the member side yet.
Have you sent me an email on this yet? Not everyone had trouble.

Be patient, the week is not over yet - you may inadvertently lose even more money. I have a DCA coming up this week - I'd prefer to buy more shares at a lower price if possible.
I've been following the TSPtalk for over six months and know nothing about RevShark because TSPtalk doesn't say anything about him except giving is web site information....

Here's the reason nobody is currently talking about RevShark...

YTD RevShark 3.82%

When he starts performing, people will get conversational... to be fair, all have hot and cold streaks...
Ebb subscribers: is Ebb's call a little confusing this morning, or is it me?

When going with Ebb - look for the bottom line (follow the chart) and don't be concerned with the comments. It is hard to not second guess (or question) but sometimes it is easier to look only at the chart and make your moves accordingly.
Oops! That was a typo. If this keeps up, I may need to hire me a proofreader! And yes, the ebbchart has the final say (not my comments) on where it is for the day. I'm doing an IFT this morning. :)
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