DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

Ford price sounds good! Here is S chart as of a few mins ago. Monday's candle broke below the rising wedge. Yesterday's candle dropped further but did not close below mid-term trendline and today's candle is bouncing...so support held that is good. Will see how we end tge day.
Best wishes to all!!! :D:D:D

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Okay, it looks more like a bull flag...or maybe its just my wild imagination! Lol...:rolleyes: hummm...big beautiful positive candle today ... thinking to put in my remaining 50% Thursday....would be nice to start the new month fully invested....will see how it goes tomorrow morning. Futures are up a little right now.

Best wishes to you all*!!! :D:D:D

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hoping it doesn't become an engulfing red candle... will not buy more today...would like to see it start to breakout before I add to position.
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Thx for posting DBA! I hope you're right... I added to my modest-ish TSP Equities position with IFT submission out of G today. Hoping it a down day good entry for a short cycle up; if that is a bull flag willing to bull-up; & position of/in B-bands seem reasonable per your chart - to my untrained eye. Blessings to you.
Thx for posting DBA! I hope you're right... I added to my modest TSP Equities position with IFT submission out of G today. Hoping it a down day good entry for a short cycle up; if that is a bull flag willing to bull-up; & position of/in B-bands seem reasonable per your chart - to my untrained eye. Blessings to you.
Hi FAAM, Blessings to you too! I think its very risky to buy-in before an upswing starts. I was waiting until tomorrow, but now that a fully engulfing red candle has formed, I am starting to doubt that I will enter. Of course, it is possible this could be the bottom due to severity of drop, just not sure. Stochastic has not gotten below 20 and started to swing back up, so will see when that happens---there could be further drops. Thought this might be a bull flag, but now its looking like a drop. The large engulfing candle has even broken below the mid-term trendline...not good.

We will see... meanwhile I continue to lose money as my Feb gains disappear. I may have no choice but to stay in now and add more to position when I see the bottom. :( I hope this works out for you... I do see others entering. Best wishes to you and everyone!

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Thanks... freaking a little. But I like today's candle. Crossing fingers:worried:. If it tanks next week, I will exit and still have one IFT to get back in. Totally breaking my "rules"...but I broke them two weeks ago and did not exit when my rules told me to exit (even after power and data had returned). Still have gain for February due to great entry... will see how this long transaction pans out.

The Good: Candle with long tail indicates folks buying today, RSI 14 slightly pointing up/away from 50 (cross fingers), RSI 2 moving above 30
The Bad & Ugly: 13 EMA touching 20 SMA (will it drop below?), Stochastic dropping and not yet gotten to 20 (so could that drop more?), MACDs still below their signal lines

Missed Exit: 2/16-MACD 5,9,2 crossed down, 2/18-Stochastic dropped below 80 (Excuse? No power/data connectivity; thereafter chose not to exit hoping it was going to go back up...:pat:, now: clearly at point of insanity with further entry )

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I was looking at some historical charts: the year post election and the regular February/March charts (I should have looked sooner) - all seemed to show last of Feb, often low and first three days of March fairly high. interestingly, in the post election chart for the year, the rest of March, April and May were low to flat trading with the big jump starting in June/July and extending the rest of the year.
I too am waiting for a good position to pull back and take stock - parden the pun.
Hi DreamboatAnnie, prayers to you and all your fellow Texans enduring the winter storm and power crisis. Praying for all the lives lost.

I have been a reader of tsptalk for 10+ years, never really posted anything. I don’t have anything informative to provide like everyone here. Every tsp move I’ve made for the last 18 yrs were from the gut, rumors, and CNBC. I finally crossed the 1mil milestone after 18 yrs and 3 mo.

I need to thank you and other contributors to this forum with the charts and technical analysis. After crossing the milestone I started to educate myself on how to read candlestick charts and the technical indicators. Funny, I used to ready Tom’s market commentary and stop when I get to the charts.

I also need to thank Coolhand and Bquat charts and analysis amongst others. I still have 8 yrs before retirement at 56 and look forwards to the next milestone.

Again, thank you and everyone for all you do.
I was looking at some historical charts: the year post election and the regular February/March charts (I should have looked sooner) - all seemed to show last of Feb, often low and first three days of March fairly high. interestingly, in the post election chart for the year, the rest of March, April and May were low to flat trading with the big jump starting in June/July and extending the rest of the year.
I too am waiting for a good position to pull back and take stock - parden the pun.

Great info MMK... Thank you! I will keep this in mind as we move forward. This is very good information! Best wishes to You! :smile:
Hi DreamboatAnnie, prayers to you and all your fellow Texans enduring the winter storm and power crisis. Praying for all the lives lost.

I have been a reader of tsptalk for 10+ years, never really posted anything. I don’t have anything informative to provide like everyone here. Every tsp move I’ve made for the last 18 yrs were from the gut, rumors, and CNBC. I finally crossed the 1mil milestone after 18 yrs and 3 mo.

I need to thank you and other contributors to this forum with the charts and technical analysis. After crossing the milestone I started to educate myself on how to read candlestick charts and the technical indicators. Funny, I used to ready Tom’s market commentary and stop when I get to the charts.

I also need to thank Coolhand and Bquat charts and analysis amongst others. I still have 8 yrs before retirement at 56 and look forwards to the next milestone.

Again, thank you and everyone for all you do.

Thank you RadarContact! Your prayers and well wishes are much appreciated and uplifting!

There were a lot of people who suffered through the cold, and others who were in pain as they ran out of meds. We later heard from emergency worker taking call about a person at home who was suffering great pain from lack of enough oxygen (slow suffocation) due to lack of power for oxygen concentrator and not enough back up canisters. This story hit home because before my mom passed away years ago, she was on oxygen and we had a time when electricity shut off for a few minutes. We had a back up canister, but thought of how we would need to call EMS or drive to any place with electricity if this went on for more than an hour just to be sure we didn't run out. With this storm, people were stranded in their own homes for days.

Not sure if it was reported nationally, but in Austin we had two hospitals that lost power and had no water. Many people were sent home or moved to various other hospitals as there were no hospitals that could handle the 300+ people that had to be moved. I have heard that we came within 5 minutes of losing power to the entire State, and that if this had happened it would have taken a month to get electricity back. Wow!

As to the market, you have done great! Keep it up because it sounds like your gut is doing very well! I would love to hear more from you. I Hope that learning more about charts and technical indicators doesn't mess up the strategy you've been using. :cheesy: I've always thought I did pretty good while practicing a 25 year buy and hold strategy! lol....

Best wishes to you! :smile: