Dogdaddy Testing....


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Hellow All:

Absolutely lost on why I haven't been able to post on my new computer..Have reset the cookie and all that other good stuff to no avail...I'm trying this post on my old P3 with Windows 98SE to see if it works. If this message is posted, then it did work.

Any ideas on why I can't log on with the new system would be appreciated.

No Grandma, I didn't die...just haven't been able to get on except to read stuff, etc.

imported post

Dogdaddy wrote:
Hellow All:

Any ideas on why I can't log on with the new system would be appreciated.

Upper right! Does it show you logged in as Dogdaddy ?

Have you tried deleting the cookies! Rebooting and doing a new log in?

Rgds :? Spaf
imported post

Dogdaddy wrote:
No Grandma, I didn't die...just haven't been able to get on except to read stuff, etc.
Actually - I was thinking more in terms of you & your wife hibernating in a mountain cabin for the winter ! I wasn't sure if your dog was still with you or not, tho....:u