Divot's Market Debrief


New member
When I go to the Debrief page, I always get a "big" blank page where the commentary should be?

Can get the archives and other info, but do not seem to ever be able to get the current article?

Assumed others would have the same problem, but have not seen it addressed.

Any suggestions
I see them. Are you viewing them from a work PC? The framing (the way he's laid out the page) can be a problem depending on the internet service. Have you tried it on a private PC?

I'll let Divot know.
Tom/Denver -

I've checked the page from both of my machines at home, plus a couple at the office. It probably doesn't help you to know that it's working on a variety of operating systems and firewalls (even the hefty Air Force firewall that usually won't let anything useful through).

One thing to try is to make sure your browser/firewall is allowing "active" content to be displayed - some software will limit content you want to see while trying to block out other stuff.

Please let me know when you succeed, or if you're still having trouble.
Thanks Guys,

I believe I have only tried on the work PC. Will attempt at home and get friendly tech to look here at work?
Hey Guys,

It is only blocked on the work PC. Apparently our firewall is very flexible and getting more "locked down?" My techie says probably the "feeds" or "feedburner" or most likely "Trader" term(s) in the URL. He is going to verify.

I get a kind of grayed out or not activated image on the TSP Talk Main Page. And then, was getting just a large BLANK area on the Debrief Page. Now I get the Network Alert ERROR msg - Forbidden Access, when I click on the Debrief link.

Very annoying. After all, I am attempting to learn how to protect mine and the Gov'ts funds in these accounts.......
p.s. How do I get the "newbie" removed from my title above?

lol I have been heavily promoting the site for several years. Just lurking too much I suppose?
Welcome to the board DenverAce, this is based on your number of posts and changes automatically. I believe when you pass 10 posts the NEWBIE changes to ROOKIE, just for fun.
p.s. How do I get the "newbie" removed from my title above?

lol I have been heavily promoting the site for several years. Just lurking too much I suppose?

Thanks for promoting the site! You are getting close. Just a few more posts...

Title / post count
Rookie 10
TSP Starter 25
TSP Talker 100
Team TSP 500
Club TSP 1000
Planet TSP 2000
TSP Universe 3000
TSP Elite 5000
TSP Guru 7500
Hall of Fame 10000
Thanks guys,

I am really just happy to be here!

Any hints on getting around the firewall issue above?

Another path to the Divot's Debrief Page?