Dividend paying stocks....

My IRA portfolio is doing ok despite the recent market volatility. I have collected about $1000 dividend payout since mid October and the dividend was reinvested back into the stocks without commission.

I have closed all the covered options expiring tomorrow and roll it over to next month to collect more premium. So far it works as planned.

New covered options expiring next month are:

2. MCD
3. CVX
4. PM
5. MO
6. JPM
As the markets continue to drop, my IRA account balance is approaching to my mid October entry level. Have to say that I had a good run and I will continue to hold. I will wait for the bounce back and dividend pay out going forward. I am still 100% in C fund in my small TSP account at the moment and will not plan to IFT until the end of December.
The markets ended with an incredible huge rebound at the end of November and I will take it anytime.

My November total dividend income in the IRA account is $1044 and the portfolio is up 2.8% since mid Oct.

Sold call options expiring on Dec 17 are:

1. CVX
2. KO
3. JPM
4. MCD
5. MO
7. PM

Hope to accumulate more shares with dividend reinvested and will see how it goes.
About 40% of my IRA is in corporate preferreds paying dividends. Spectrum Asset Management is under contract to RBC Wealth Management which controls my account. Spectrum has me in about a hundred different holdings which should aggregate to 6-7%, things like Arch Capital Group Ltd 7.875% Non-Cum Pfd Ser B Cpn 7.876% Dtd 05/17/06 Moody BAA3, Deutsch Bk Contingent Cap Tr V Tr 8.05% Perpetual Pfd Cpn 8.048% Dtd 05/01/08 Moody BAA2 S&P BBB, etc., etc.

Each company was selected beacuse its dividend had increased in each of the last five years.
About 40% of my IRA is in corporate preferreds paying dividends. Spectrum Asset Management is under contract to RBC Wealth Management which controls my account. Spectrum has me in about a hundred different holdings which should aggregate to 6-7%, things like Arch Capital Group Ltd 7.875% Non-Cum Pfd Ser B Cpn 7.876% Dtd 05/17/06 Moody BAA3, Deutsch Bk Contingent Cap Tr V Tr 8.05% Perpetual Pfd Cpn 8.048% Dtd 05/01/08 Moody BAA2 S&P BBB, etc., etc.

Each company was selected beacuse its dividend had increased in each of the last five years.

That's a very nice returns. I have a small position on the S&P US Preferred Stock ETF fund (PFF). It pays about 7% and dividend is paid the first day of each month. I hedge it with AGG and IEF bond funds and these two funds also pay monthly dividend. The average dividend of these three funds is about 4.5% and I am quite happy with this combination because it provides less volatility with decent monthly dividend.
There's page after page of that stuff. They take a cut and then it is only 40% of the total. Even so, looking at the TSP funds for the year it points up the limitations of the gov't system, which is why I transferred it.
My December total dividend income in the IRA account is $2,968. The month of March, June, September and December which I will receive the most dividend payout from my stock holding and the rest of the months will be relatively smaller.

My goal for 2012 is to position my mid 6-digit figure IRA portfolio for a 3-5% growth and at the same time to collect 4-4.5% dividend income and it would be equal to $20,000+ for the year.

Here are my current core holding:


I also added one mutual fund to collect 4+ % dividend. I think it should be it for the time being in preparing the year of 2012.

Wishing you all a Happy Holiday Season and a Happy New Year.

There is nothing sweeter than a for sure revenue stream - and most dividends will be increased in 2012.

Thanks Birch, I basically follow your footstep that you manage your oceanic portfolio without margin play. I understood the power of dividends and shares accumulation now and hope it will work for my portfolio.
My dividend income for Jan 2012 was $2150 from the IRA account and this account was established as the result of my TSP transferred in Oct 2011 when I retired. I am happy to see dividends keep coming in every month.

My core holdings are:


Looking forward for February dividends while the major markets are still trending upward and I am still 100% in C fund in the TSP account.

Well done, Ocean.

Thanks MrJohnRoss

My dividend income for Feb 2012 was $1068 from the IRA account which was transferred from my TSP account. There were few stocks in my portfolio that recently had a nice run up such as JPM, MCD, MSFT and PM. These stocks will be in my core portfolio for a long time as dividend income and growth.

I am still holding 100% C fund in my TSP account as long as the chart still shows the up trend.

As for day trading with my cash account, I am still practicing different strategies and mostly in options trading. I had traded mostly in iron condor, vertical bull/bear credit/debit spreads, calendar spreads and butterfly options. The result was about even but I spent about $1000 in commission the last two months for these types of option trading. I will evaluate some more and determine if I should continue with these types of trading.

On the other hand, I found that one way of making some steady income is to sell naked put options with the stocks that you would like to own. I was able to generate about $2000 after commission since January by selling naked put options with the stocks that I would not mind owning it if it was assigned to me. No stocks were assigned to me thus far and I was able to let the options expire or purchase the options back with lower cost.

One woman has been doing this for the last 40 years and was able to generate good income and build up a large portfolio. Her site is:


I would recommend this site for those who are interested in option trading for steady income.

Basically this is how I spent my retirement the last few months but I am enjoying it.

I found that one way of making some steady income is to sell naked put options with the stocks that you would like to own. I was able to generate about $2000 after commission since January by selling naked put options with the stocks that I would not mind owning it if it was assigned to me.

I've seen many touting this as easy income when the bull raged, but I can't imagine this working out too well when the market dropped the way it did in March. Strategies like this exacerbated the sell off. People didn't have the cash on hand to buy back those puts they sold, and the broker just liquidated stock to cover.
Yes, the high flyers will help you outperform over the shorter 3 month time frames, but will require a lot of buying and selling and being right. For every AMZN there are thousands of busts. Invest in a good dividend stock or index and let it ride.

XOM currently with a 10% yield, but the sustainability hinges on whether or not oil rebounds. Management reiterated the dividend in August, but that was around 8%. It is very likely the company cuts the dividend next quarter, but even a 50% cut it would still be a 5% yield. I would think a good bit of the selling since August (nearly every day has been down since) was from large funds who do not think the dividend is safe.

Definitely on the radar though.
Here's a list if anyone wants monthly dividends:


If weekly, try these...
