Did you get a flu shot?

Did you get a flu shot this year?

  • Am going to, but haven't yet

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Sorry to hear that about your son, hopefully he is fine now. See there, that kind of crap is why I don't take Flu Shots, I'd rather have the Flu.
Me either.

BE AWARE: My oldest son came down with something called Guillanne-Barre Syndrome(GBS) in 1993 following a very mild flu. He ended up basically paralyzed for about 2 months and it took him a year plus to recover. I also personally know 2 adults who got GBS within days of getting a flu shot. GBS is very life threatening. At the time my son came down with it the only things modern medicine new about causation was that there was a significantly higher occurrence among people who had just had the flu or had just given childbirth.

Having experienced GBS, my family and I religiously opts out of flu shots.
Sorry to hear that. GBS has been around forever. It was first declared a condition prior to any influenza immunizations by any country. Can I say these weren't directly from the flu shot? No. But genealogy plays a key. Did they actually go through the Cerebrospinal fluid test for diagnosis? I know this is a painful procedure. My mom got GBS during her last pregnancy (no complications to my healthy little brother and it was a mild case). No immunizations were given. 80-160 cases are reported a week. Even when flu shots are not being given.

Also, you mention three cases of GBS. Odds of getting GBS from immunization 1 in 800,000, odds of getting truck by lightning 1 in 700,000.
Sorry to hear that about your son, hopefully he is fine now. See there, that kind of crap is why I don't take Flu Shots, I'd rather have the Flu.

I took a flu shot in the early 90s and thru that winter I got sick multiple times, swore I'd never take the shot. Got the flu in 2002 and it was brutal. Thought I'd start taking the shot after that experience, but I'm still weary of it. I'm about to hit 50, so I may revisit it....
Sorry to hear that. GBS has been around forever. It was first declared a condition prior to any influenza immunizations by any country. Can I say these weren't directly from the flu shot? No. But genealogy plays a key. Did they actually go through the Cerebrospinal fluid test for diagnosis? I know this is a painful procedure. My mom got GBS during her last pregnancy (no complications to my healthy little brother and it was a mild case). No immunizations were given. 80-160 cases are reported a week. Even when flu shots are not being given.

Also, you mention three cases of GBS. Odds of getting GBS from immunization 1 in 800,000, odds of getting truck by lightning 1 in 700,000.

Valid stuff Frixxxx. Yeah ... actually I know of 5 cases total in my community which is really weird. In 1993, the odds of getting GBS in a person's lifetime were 1:400,000 regardless of cause. Haven't read/studied the literature on GBS in years so don't know if this stat is still current. If so, then half the cases result from vaccinations per your odds? But I'm guessing the known overall incidence rate is higher than 1:400k today. Seems like it would have to be if I know of 5 people in a small community of about 25,000 who have had it in just the past 20 years. Or it could be -- as my wife thinks -- "the water" here. Lol -- with her, every malady is "the water".

At any rate, I agree -- the risk is relatively small. But statistics don't really matter when you are the one in 800,000. I do think there's something to the geneology connection (a genetically predisposed immuno system) -- which for me and my family makes the risk far higher.

My point in posting in the first place was THERE ARE RISKS, potentially serious risks that people are better off knowing about in order to judge the trade-offs for themselves. The medical/pharmaceutical industry does not publicize these risks sufficiently IMO.
Sorry to hear that about your son, hopefully he is fine now. See there, that kind of crap is why I don't take Flu Shots, I'd rather have the Flu.

I'm with you on that one Nnuut! He is fine now, but it was a really tough year-and-a-half plus at the time.

'Benefits' of flu shot statistically insignificant

Last year, for instance, a study out of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota revealed that, at best, the flu shot has a measly 1.5 percent effectiveness rate -- for every 100 people vaccinated with a flu shot, only 1.5 of them will avoid getting the flu. At worst, the flu shot is entirely useless, as the same study showed that about 97 percent of people who do not get a flu shot also do not get the flu. (http://www.naturalnews.com)

Put another way, flu vaccines are about 98.5 percent ineffective, which means the vast majority of people who get a flu shot are deriving absolutely no health benefit. Again, this is in a best case scenario where potential margins of error are ignored and statistical anomalies are set aside. In all reality, there is actually not a shred of indisputable evidence proving that flu shots are at all effective for preventing the flu in anyone.

36,000 people a year do not die from the flu

And yet the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), eager to dispense 135 million doses of flu vaccine this year, is waging psychological warfare on the public by repeating equally false claims about how hundreds of thousands of people end up in the hospital every year as a result of influenza infection, and that about 36,000 of them die from flu-related complications.

In truth; however, only a few dozen people at most die every year as a direct result of flu infection -- the rest of the deaths lumped into the flu category are actually attributable to pneumonia, which is often a result of a severely compromised immune system. And in some cases, weak immunity caused by the flu shot itself is responsible for deaths blamed on flu infection. (http://www.infowars.com)

Flu shots come with a myriad of potential side effects

Besides their ineffectiveness, flu shots also come with an array of potentially-deadly side effects that health authorities rarely disclose to the public. Such side effects include things like brain damage and dementia -- many flu shots still contain toxic mercury, after all (Sixth study in recent months links mercury in flu shots to brain damage, autism) -- seizures (Flu vaccine push already underway; first batch causes seizures in children), and even flu-like symptoms, which defeats the point of even getting a flu shot in the first place.

Vitamin D, 'superfoods' far more effective than flu shots at preventing flu

At the same time, the public is not being told that vitamin D, which is most easily obtained through natural sunlight exposure, is far more effective at preventing the flu than any flu shot ever will be (Vitamin D proven far better than vaccines at preventing influenza infections). Supplementing with immune-boosting "superfoods" like spirulina, garlic, and medicinal mushrooms, while drinking plenty of clean water and getting plenty of rest, will also help you avoid getting the flu far better than a flu shot. (8 ways to avoid the flu naturally)

Learn more: Why you should avoid taking the seasonal flu vaccine

Alright..Hold the Alternative Media BS..

NaturalNews.com (formerly Newstarget) is an anti-science conspiracy website founded by Mike "the Health Ranger" Adams. The site promotes almost every sort of medical woo known to human history, though it specializes in vaccine denialism,[SUP][1][/SUP] AIDS/HIV denial,[SUP][2][/SUP] quack cancer medicine[SUP][3][/SUP] and conspiracy theories about modern medicine.[SUP][4][/SUP] Even other quacks think it's a quack site.[SUP][5][/SUP] The site has recently broadened to include extreme environmentalism and conspiracy theorizing about Obama and gun control.
If you cite NaturalNews on any matter whatsoever, you are almost certainly wrong.
The same kind of factless hype is buzzing around Autism and Child vaccines...

Recent estimates from CDC's Autism Developmental Disabilities Monitoring network found that about 1 in 88 children have ASD. This estimate is higher than estimates from the early 1990s. Over the years, some people have had concerns that autism might be linked to the vaccines children receive. One vaccine ingredient that has been studied specifically is thimerosal, previously used as a preservative in many recommended childhood vaccines. However, in 2001 thimerosal was removed or reduced to trace amounts in all childhood vaccines except for one type of influenza vaccine, and thimerosal-free alternatives are available for influenza vaccine. Evidence from several studies examining trends in vaccine use and changes in autism frequency does not support such an association between thimerosal and autism. Furthermore, a scientific review by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) concluded that "the evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between thimerosal–containing vaccines and autism." CDC supports the IOM conclusion that there is no relationship between vaccines containing thimerosal and autism rates in children.
The IOM also recently conducted a thorough review of the current medical and scientific evidence on vaccines and certain health events that may be observed after vaccination. It released a report in August 2011 on 8 vaccines given to children and adults that found the vaccines to be generally safe and serious adverse events following these vaccinations to be rare.
CDC recognizes that autism is an urgent health concern and supports comprehensive research as our best hope for understanding the causes of autism and other developmental disorders.