Did anyone fix the newsletter problem?


Staff member
Were any of you (paid subscribers) that were having problems logging into the new directory (www.tsptalk.com/members1) able to figure it out?

If so, please shed some light for the few people still struggling. What did you do? I know some members' problems were on my end and it was fixed, but what about those who were getting the "Table'tsptalk.tbuserl'doesn't exist" type messages. Did deleting your cookies and/or temporary internet files help? If not, what did?

Thanks. I appreciate any info so I can get these folks online again.
...it might be well if these subscribers remember to pm you their replies - I really don't want to find myself tempted to
see what & when their allocations are - even if they don't necessarily follow the recommendations.
I Have been subscribing to the rev shark newsletter from the start. Do I have to re-enter my paypale info?
Everything worked right last week and his has just happend today.
When I go to the rev shark newsletter site and enter my email and pass word I can get into the site. When I select the newsletter all that happens is I get the screen where I am supposed to select monthly billing or six months subcribtion.
Do I have to go through the paypale info again or is there a problem with the site?

Todd -
If you are having problems logging in, email me (support@......) your account name (email address you use to sign in).


UPDATE: I think I found the problem. Please try again. Thanks. www.tsptalk.com/members1

It is working now.
Thank you.
I also want to thank you for what you have done by creating this site and the hours of work you put in to it.
I know you have educated several of us "TSP'ers" and made us more aware of the markets.
I know it has helped me.

Thanks Again,
