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Did Tom really get 14 days off? One of my peers says that we should get an hour a day to research TSP funds as part of our retirement.
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It's true. Although I was onlyon the message board,their impression was that I wasrunning "my business" from work.
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Do suspensions meanno paycheck either? Ball players frequently get suspended, but I don't recall that it always meant their pay was docked. Does that mean not accruing benefits for that two week period, also? :shock:
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This is a no pay suspension. They said I could use annual leave but I'm choosing not to. Maybe I'll tack on two weeks with annual. I can't remember the last time I had two weeksin a row off, let alone 4 weeks. :D
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I Just don't understand why they care if you were online so long as your work was getting done. Would the ybe so quick to discipline if instead of being online you sat in your office and justed chatted w/ your coworkers for 10 minutes an hour instead of doing work? What agency do you work for? I'm scared to think what would happen if they checked our computers at work to see if we were online alot. For me I check e-mail and the newspapers. For many of my fellow employees it is internet shopping sites, ebay and the like. Most of the time I am online, however I am multitasking(on the phone concerning work, or doing timesheets), so I don't think it interferes much w/ completing my work. However others might think differently.

Enjoy your time off and make the best of a bad situation.
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Yes, yes, yes and yes. :) I couldn't have said it better. I guess I'm the example.
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Isn't your retirement part of your "business" and theirs? So what, you were on the chat board. Most of the supervisors in our office surf EBAY most of the day anyway.

Here at our office we were speculating that you would start charging for TSPTALK. Guess that won't happen unless you separate from GOVERNMENT service. Or sell the site.

Glad to see your not bitter.:^
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14 days is pretty stiff. The next step in my agency's table of penaltiesis termination. I'd be careful.
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tsptalk wrote:
It's true. Although I was onlyon the message board,their impression was that I wasrunning "my business" from work.
I believe you when you say you weren't profit motivated when you started this up, you were filling a need and taking money for it. Hard to defend against that. Well, a lesson learned for all of us at Tom's expense.
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tsptalk wrote:
Yes, yes, yes and yes. :) I couldn't have said it better. I guess I'm the example.
Definitely, there are sanctioned and unsanctioned ways to not get work done at work. If I quick check on eBay to see if a late payer has finally kicked in with what he owes me, I feel like I’ve gotten away with a bank robbery given management’s attitudes about internet use, especially eBay. Or post something on this board (less guilty about that) but someone could hold forth for 40 minutes about why Mike Shanahan must go and tie up a half dozen other GS11-13’s while he does it and nothing is said. We can all think of examples along these lines. Internet use at work really gets the bosses motor running. :@
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Timer wrote:
I believe you when you say you weren't profit motivated when you started this up, you were filling a need and taking money for it. Hard to defend against that. Well, a lesson learned for all of us at Tom's expense.
Bear with me. When I re-read that post, it didn’t say what I wanted it to say. Once more with feeling: I believe you when you say you weren't profit motivated when you started this site up. However the site fills a need and you take money for it. Sounds like a business, hard to defend against that. Well, a lesson learned for all of us at Tom's expense. And yes, Tom be careful from here on out.
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Retirement investing in the stock market is a serious issue. I feel that the majority of TSP participantsare wanting good information about their savings.

Sorry about the trouble :(, but look at all the people you helped :)!

Rgds Spaf
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Spaf wrote:
but look at all the people you helped :)!
We just went over 3000 email alert members, and 600 message board members. I am thrilled. Thanks everyone, for your support ! :u
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If you make $0.01 from this site, it's considered a money-making personal enterprise, and using gov't time to maintain or enhance that is probably what got you into trouble.

If you were just surfing the net, their case would be flimsy since everybody does that.
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Sorry to hear that...:?We can wait for u post after work next time:D

Now serius,Tom be careful and a low profile in the work ok not angry in return
Something u learn and aplyed from the market was to accept it like it is
when u make an errror.That the first thing to do .I always when something
go wront I thing in the worse case cenario .Then feel better...ok;).
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Tom is right not to file a grievance. I am not Management, I am not ITS, nor do I go to Union meetings. The Department I work for makes it quite clear w/their postings and yearly training classes that use of the computers for anything other than that directly related to your jobis strictlyagainst policy - the mere fact of not quiting your job indicates youare in agreement with this policy.It doesn't matter whether you play on the internet while on duty or while on break. At my place of business we have gone thru periods of time when so many were surfing we couldn't get necessary information passed just even within our building in a timely manner.

ITS monitors what sites are being accessed, but I have heard of only once of someone taken down for surfing, and that was because of what he was involved in.There are probably many more than the one I am aware of. ITS is deeply concerned about viruses being introduced, and about leakage of private information. Most probably all of us have done, will keep doing it, some more than others.There are things allowed, some have their e-mail there.

And, you know, most probably the only reason Tom got sat on so hard was because the came down on his supervisor, which meant action did have to be taken.

Perhaps what we need to do is work on to assist us increase our holdings thru private enterprise as Tom is doing with us. Won't they do better if we do better? It isn't like our profits are coming out of their pockets.

Tom, you understand I wouldn't have suspension on your record for the world. I am sorry this happened. However, it sounds like you are going to have a much needed break from the workstation; so enjoy it, work on your Art gallery web page, cleanout closets, work on this site - dream a little - pat
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhahahHAAAAHAHAHHAAaaaaaoooooooohhhh MAN <high-five> Tom!

That is funny. Another Don Quixote. I don't feel so alone now.

Are you bored at work, Tom? Are you not challenged enough? Do you daydream a lot? Is that why you create so much trouble at work?

I struggle with doing things I want to do during times where I should be doing things I have to do but don't want to do. The whole getting in trouble thing is a pretty good nudge: "hmm...I guess I shouldn't do that anymore, change my routine, dammit". :(

Now you need to figure out how to spend less time at work so you can have more TSPtalk time at home. :D (j/k...sorta...I think..maybe...dunno)
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grandma wrote:
The Department I work for makes it quite clear w/their postings and yearly training classes that use of the computers for anything other than that directly related to your jobis strictlyagainst policy....
How things change over time. A long, long time ago - before computers became what they are today (it might even have been before we had computers at work)- I wrote a beneficial suggestion concerning how my agency handed out telephone books. Once a year they gave eveyone a set of yellow and white pages. My suggestion stated that if we were only allowed to use the phone for "official business" the phone books should be provided only to the contracting/purchasing people and supervisors withone set to every divison/office.

My suggestion was turned down - the answer said that eveyone had need to call doctors, auto repair shops, etc. while on the job and thus the phone directories were needed by everyone.

Seems to me that management can apply the policies and rules inwhatever way suites management. Watch your back Tom.