Happy To Be Here
I don't have an investing philosophy, really, except to save or contribute all I can, legally. I try to make a positive contribution to our site, to help all to multiply. This my account has done but I see now it was good fortune more than anything. As soon as the market turned sour I reverted from calm assurances of long term prospects, to nervous short term measures. Adversity helps to reveal; I have gone to the G-fund where I will remain until I feel confident once again.
For the year, at the end of June, I will have a total change in NAV of 14.7%, of which 6.2% is contributions and 8.5% market gain. (This will show as ~8.0% on our tracker.)
It is a good year's worth, about four times as well as I did all last year. So maybe now is a good time for me to let the TSP rest. It is hurricane season again, and last year was a nightmare.
You know I worked them all, I'm one of the idiots they pay well to remain behind. I spent today with a chain saw clearing foliage to reduce the windage, get that out of the way, a bit of sustainable logging of the property. Investment-wise, hurricanes bring uncertainty which we abhor.
Good luck, everybody.