coolhand's Account Talk

Exclusive: Bill Gross Dumps All Treasuries, Brings Total "Government Related" Holdings To Zero, Flees To Cash - No QE3?

Financial innovation has only helped a select few. Gross agrees with Paul Volcker, who observed that the ATM is the only useful invention generated by the financial industry over the past generation.
Americans need to elect a whole new slate of leaders "who who can create something more than a cash machine" and "a Congress that cannot be bought and sold by lobbyists on K Street, whose pockets in turn are stuffed with corporate and special interest group payola. Are record corporate profits a fair price for America’s soul?"

To rebalance debt loads and re-equitize financial institutions that should have known better, central banks and policymakers are taking money from one class of asset holders and giving it to another. A low or negative real interest rate for an “extended period of time” is the most devilish of all policy tools. And the asset class holder that it affects, or better yet, “infects,” is the small saver and institutions such as insurance companies and pension funds that hold long-term fixed income assets. It is anyone who holds bonds with coupons that cannot keep up with inflation or the depositor in a local bank who cumulatively holds trillions of dollars in time deposits that don’t earn a real rate of interest. This is the framework that has been created by modern-day policymakers who have innovated far beyond their biblical counterparts. To put it bluntly, they are robbing savers and taking money surreptitiously from longer-term asset holders who are incorrectly measuring future inflation.

Hank, Bennie, and Timmie
Jig's up.

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Something bothered me about the I re-read it...and this stuck out:

"leads us to believe that Bill Gross is now convinced there will be no QE3 at all, at least based on his just putting his money where his monthly pen is! And if Bill Gross...believes there is no more quantitative easing, it is really time to get the hell out of dodge in all security classes - bonds, and most certainly, equities."

Anything stand out?
leads us to believe...
at least based on...
if Bill Gross...believes...

How about pure, baseless speculation on what Gross is doing. Nothing on Bill Gross actually saying why he changed his holdings.

But here's the real kicker.
Ironoically, listening to NPR yesterday , they had none other than Bill Gross on an interview, and asked him specifically why he dumped all of his Treasury holdings.

His answer was very direct. He said that PIMCO analysis confirmed that we should see solid economic growth in 2011...and given that gov't bonds are only yielding near 2%, PIMCO needs to be looking for other sectors that are or will be offering much higher yields than T-bills....such as corporate bonds that yield 6-7% as well as more equities.

So much for the breadlines. At least hearing it from the horses mouth is better than reading a "guess" from someone who probably was pumping the Hindenburg Omen last summmer just before our 20% stock surge.

Not sure if this will play...but here is the radio interview with Bill Gross...about 4 minutes.

I still maintain Gross has the big stick, and he's not afraid to use it against Bennie.
Bonds have taken it in the arse during QE2, and I think BB will heed Mr. Gross's influence with the bond world,
letting equities take a no QE3, for the sake of not pissing off the collective buyers of MT US debt.
We'll seeeee!
PS- here's the (prob) video of that interview
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I certainly don't know how the market will close today, but if we close down hard I would expect the Seven Sentinels to flip to a sell condition. Now as I've said many times before this is an intermediate term system, in which case I'd normally expect to see weeks if not months of declining prices, but this is not an ordinary market. Sentiment is not where I would expect it to be to support a long term decline, plus the Fed's POMO is still very much a factor. This means we could turn back up much sooner than I would normally expect.

I have been 50/50 cash/stocks for about 2 weeks or so and have no plans to change that allocation if the system flips to a sell. The longer term trend is still up and I only have one IFT left, so I'm holding for that next buying opportunity.
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It's almost noon now and this market has retraced a sizable portion of its losses. I would not be surprised if the buying picks up later this afternoon.

I really don't think the powers that be want this market to fall apart and will do what they think they need to do to keep damage contained. That's my take anyway.
It's almost noon now and this market has retraced a sizable portion of its losses. I would not be surprised if the buying picks up later this afternoon.

I really don't think the powers that be want this market to fall apart and will do what they think they need to do to keep damage contained. That's my take anyway.
I agree, and hey...look...Oil @ 98/bbl:cool:
Cheaper fuel means more profits for the retailers and cheaper prices for our folks. ALL THE NEW THINGS JUST DON'T WORK enough to replace OIL.! Common sense!
Cheaper fuel means more profits for the retailers and cheaper prices for our folks. ALL THE NEW THINGS JUST DON'T WORK enough to replace OIL.! Common sense!

They only been trying for 40 years and haven't found anything yet.
Cheaper fuel means more profits for the retailers and cheaper prices for our folks. ALL THE NEW THINGS JUST DON'T WORK enough to replace OIL.! Common sense!

Isn't funny that oil spikes to $108 a barrel and gasoline jumps 20 cents or more overnight. But when oil falls below $100 a barrel gasoline maybe drops a penny or two. Thieving bas*#$ds.
Isn't funny that oil spikes to $108 a barrel and gasoline jumps 20 cents or more overnight. But when oil falls below $100 a barrel gasoline maybe drops a penny or two. Thieving bas*#$ds.

Not so much funny as criminal. If we continue to buy the price will continue to rise. If oil dropped and no one bought gas until it dropped the consumer (us) could assert some control on the price. jt
Isn't funny that oil spikes to $108 a barrel and gasoline jumps 20 cents or more overnight. But when oil falls below $100 a barrel gasoline maybe drops a penny or two. Thieving bas*#$ds.
The prices here haven't went down a cent yet since oil slid..but when it went up, the price of gas followed the same day or the next..:mad:
Isn't funny that oil spikes to $108 a barrel and gasoline jumps 20 cents or more overnight. But when oil falls below $100 a barrel gasoline maybe drops a penny or two. Thieving bas*#$ds.

Not so much funny as criminal. If we continue to buy the price will continue to rise. If oil dropped and no one bought gas until it dropped the consumer (us) could assert some control on the price. jt

Not so funny, gas prices haven't dropped at all. :mad:
I will only go to the places that didn't go up the 50 cents, but the 35 only because that seems to me that they weren't trying to take too much advantage of the situation...
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