If you read the reasons for establishing the Federal Reserve, was that before 1913 we had incredible instability in our banking system, much, much worse than today.
There were frequent runs on the banks, as people never knew if there money was going to be there.
This Federal Reserve Act of 1913 largely stabalized this, which was listed in the link you provided.
Luckily for us, the crazies who support disbandaning the Fed, are largely seen as..well...crazies. (lol)
However, the main drawback of the Fed is its ability to print money whenever it wants, especially to cover never ending deficits. Its become a bad habit that needs to be fixed.
The fix...would be balancing the budget as quickly as possible.
That quickest solution...will kick in automatically in 13 months. Huge cuts to Medicare and Pentagon, as well as expiration of Bush Tax Cuts.