Celebrity RIP Garden

Tim Conway, Star of The Carol Burnett Show, Dies at 85

[h=1]Tim Conway, Star of The Carol Burnett Show, Dies at 85[/h]

Source: People Magazine

Tim Conway has died at the age of 85.

He passed away at 8:45 a.m. in the Los Angeles area on Tuesday, his rep Howard Bragman confirms to PEOPLE.

Prior to his death, he suffered complications from Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) and had no signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Conway is survived by his wife of 35 years, his stepdaughter, his six biological children and two granddaughters. In lieu of flowers or gifts, the family would like donations to be made to The Lou Ruvo Brain Center at the Cleveland Clinic in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Read more: https://people.com/tv/tim-conway-dies/
Really enjoyed him on Carol Burnett. A local native here on the North Coast. He was born in Willoughby, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, and grew up in nearby Chagrin Fall.
Bart Starr, legendary 1960's Green Bay Packers quarterback, dies at 85

Just saw this, didn't know he was still alive actually. Feels like those first few super bowls were LONNNNNG ago. Definitely before my time but his name is always synonymous with Green Bay greatness. RIP Bart.

So sad to hear of her death. Such a beautiful and talented lady! She had such a unique and awesome voice.... May she rest in peace.

Nice little numbers... so classic!

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