CapeChem Account Talk

You're welcome... I'll see if I can't bump it for the whole thread reference. But, Squalebear deserves all the credit.
Very Interesting. Thanks. Seems like a lot of effort but if you have a big balance, it will add up. Learned something new today.
Went to the beach yesterday afternoon...dangled my feet in water and watched the launch.....then left and got a large hazelnut ice coffee for the ride home.....nice!!
It is Official......I have lulled all of you into a false sense of security....I am dead last on the embarassment of epic proportions!!!.......but IIIII have a dream.....I will never never never give up.......forget giving up i would just like to Go up......I thought all you guys were crazy but now that i am looking up your skirt I see your nuts!!!!

Thank you, MLK, Winston churchill and Austin Powers,Three great men of distinction of history, for the quotes
It is Official......I have lulled all of you into a false sense of security....I am dead last on the embarassment of epic proportions!!!.......but IIIII have a dream.....I will never never never give up.......forget giving up i would just like to Go up......I thought all you guys were crazy but now that i am looking up your skirt I see your nuts!!!!

Thank you, MLK, Winston churchill and Austin Powers,Three great men of distinction of history, for the quotes


Don't feel too bad.....I am right in there with you......misery loves company:nuts: Too much manipulationonomics for me. The market is the puppet and the gov is jerking on the strings with freshly printed Ben Franklins.
Well....I am going 100G cob todaywith my first IFT......If the market continues up for the rest of the day I may recoup my loses for the month.....From all my reading of posts and links everyone seems pretty certain of a journey southward to about 810.....that would be a nice jump backi in spot......however, i am not getting my hopes up to high we will probably head stright to 1300 now......I do have one IFT left .
Well, well, well......I listened to both sides of the arguments...tried to do my home work.....I believed the 810 scenario......Made the wrong decision again......I wish i didnt have to always be doom and gloom with my posts.....what to do what to do...All you guys that were talking 810 do you still see it?