This is from Squalebear's <1% option thread:
Hope it helps... SB has been posting since his heart attack but he is still recovering.
At the request of some friends and fellow members, I decided to make this
thread to help others understand the meaning of a <1%IFT. We can use
this thread to ask questions concerning this option at any time and I will
try my absolute best the answer them in a timely manner.
Definition: A <1%IFT is defined as a "a less then 1% Interfund Transfer".
It is the ability to move small amounts of money within your TSP Account.
Similar to the (L) Funds, it enables you to rebalance your account within
percentages that are <1% either to the next whole percentage upward
or the next whole percentage downward.
Goal: To Beat The (G) Fund Returns for the remainder of any given month
after utilizing all of your Regular IFT's (limited to 2 per month). Keeping
your exposure to risk at a minimum, while maintaning focus on the events
which affect the Market on a daily basis. (avoiding the G Fund Lag).
Note: Remember, you have 2 unlimited IFT's per month. However, you
can choose to move 1% out of any Fund on a daily basis if you decide
to do so. But the money
MUST go back into the (G) Fund after your 1st
two IFT's have been made. In essense, you could make alot more then
three IFT's should you have decided to sell your shares over the coarse
of time. But you
CAN'T take your money out of the (G) Fund until the
following month. Call it what you will, the (G)arage,,,,Jail,,,Lilly Pad, etc..
One thing holds true, you can check in,,,,,but you can't check out.
First thing to do is to check your Account Balances on the TSP Website. and write down the percentages that are currently
displayed next to your dollar amounts. The percentages are under the
column called "Distribution" and will look like this;
Investment Fund Shares Share Price Balance Distribution
(G)Fund GovernmentSecurities xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 92.87%
(F) Fund Fixed Income Index xxx. xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 4.05%
(C)Fund Common Stock Index xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 1.02%
(S)Fund Small Cap Stock Index xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 1.03%
(I)Fund International Stock Index xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 1.03%
The percentages above are my actual numbers and were posted on the TSP website
sometime tonight. So tomorrow before noon, I have a decision to make. Do I want to
just leave my balance as it currently exists? Do I want to take some money out of risk,
off the table and back to the (G) Fund? OR Do I think the market will continue to rally
and want to take some money out of the (G) and increase my holdings in stocks.
Wrong ! I can go to the TSP and now make a <1%IFT up to the next whole %.
I can make the (I) Fund 2%..................I can make the (C) Fund 2%
I can make the (S) Fund 2%................I can make the (F) Fund 5%
Last but not least, I can make the (G) Fund 89% and thats how you can take 3.87%
and move it out of the (G) Fund and into the other funds. But you can't do this unless
your showing a minimum of xx.01% (example: 2.01%,,,,,13.35%,,,,57.99%...etc...)
Thats all the time I have for now, but I want everyone to know from the start. You can
lose money doing this method. Where in the (G) Fund you wouldn't lose a dime ! But
in the last four days, I've gained over 6 weeks of (G) returns. If I bailed 100% into the
(G) Fund, I would have gained practically nothing. Now I can go to the (G)arage with
a smile (should I decide to) any time I wish. I will add more to this thread as I wasn't
able to put it all on this page. It's a start and I hope it helps !