Can we get a "Don't Like" button?

Members used to be able to give negative rep to each other, and not surprsingly, it didn't go very well. A few folks spent their day giving negative rep to each other. Fun, fun.
Maybe there could be a compromise and we could get a 'self-don't like' button? That should eliminate most of the distasteful back and forth bickering while still providing a means for expression.

I'll be honest here, sometimes i don't like myself.
I can see your point here very clearly. That's a sure means to stir up trolls when the bears are growling..........
I think this whole thread is a stupid-azz idea...with one exception...I'd like a "DON"T LIKE" button just for this thread!

I'm sure the site amin will ban me again for having an opinion...

Maybe my problem is..I don't kiss anybody's azz and tell it like it is..and that is grounds for banishment here...LOL!!!!
Hey Buster, been a long time I've missed your commentaries. I'm not for the "Don't Like" thing myself but I just ignore it like I do with things I think are dumb. You know me I tell it like it is myself but in my own way, works for me I haven't been banned yet. I really like that avatar!:D
Yer a good man Norm..nobody can dispute that..My problem and I don't think it is a problem..Is I don't candy coat what I think or butter up anyone to score points or favors..I don't call people names even if they deserve a swift kick in the nurtz...And what really gets me is, the psychos here that come on with multiple login names and even converse with their alteregos to boot...those idiots need banning, and need to get help...You know who I mean (i.e., Phantasm)

Take me as I am or ban me if you can't stand the truth..
I think this whole thread is a stupid-azz idea...with one exception...I'd like a "DON"T LIKE" button just for this thread!

I'm sure the site amin will ban me again for having an opinion...

Maybe my problem is..I don't kiss anybody's azz and tell it like it is..and that is grounds for banishment here...LOL!!!!

Lighten up, Francis.