Well, I'm 56 with about 600K in tsp but I don't think I can retire yet since I have an 11 and 15 year old at home.
I'm thinking FERS gives me about 33K/yr, SS "makeup" gives me like 20K/yr. I really don't know what I need to retire on but that seems a little light to me.
Especially since at 63 I will probably stop the SS "FERS makeup money" so I don't lock in low SS payments in the future. At that point I will probably start to draw on my TSP. I'm thinking right now it can provide 25K/yr for 30 years if I make 6%. My kids get about 24K/yr. on my wife's SS (she recently passed away) but that will end as they turn 18 (unless they stay in school). I want to retire for 1 or two years just to deal with the household after my wife's passing then go back to work..haha.