Cactus' Account Talk

Hmmm. Looking like 3 down days in a row. I was expecting a bit of a recovery today. This isn't looking good guys. It's more than just the post holiday turn around. Looks to be shaping up to be more of a typical September. :sick:
But the SnP did bounce right near its former ceiling. I’m still on the lily pad but with eyes wide open.
Yeah, Im on the lillypad right along with you. I expected more volatility in September and am glad now that I bailed out at the end of August. If that's the case, September may be a hard month to gage an entry. I'll wait and see what next week brings.
Markets starting higher and droping slowly through the day doesn't instill any confindence in me. No entry for me yet. :notrust:
Well, I finally made an IFT (100% I Fund) for October, I think. I had to use the phone because the TSP web site worked perfectly until the final submit button. It would not submit my request but would instead pop me to the top of the page. I tried using up to date versions of both Firefox & Chrom. I even tried changing my notification email options at the top. Nothing worked except the phone. I'm glad we still have that.
Let's see -- as of yesterday's close the I Fund is down -6.66% for the month.

Well, that went to hell in a hurry. :(
Well, another miserable year has come and gone. Looks like I finished out 2018 with a loss of (3.36%). As you can see from my prior performance that is not uncommon for me. Some of us just aren't made for this sort of thing. :sick:

Looking longer term my 5 year annualized return is 1.56%. Well, at least it's positive. Believe it or not it's better than before I came here to TSPTalk. Still, it looks like I'll never retire. At least I still have my health. Hope that holds out since it looks like I'll be dying in the harness. :o
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You may want to just throw it all in the C-Fund and don't look back (depending upon your time horizon). Some expecting one more big flush this month, that would be a good entry point. By and large, the market does go up over the long term. As if I know what I'm doing... Just thinking back to BT and JTH, their accounts were on the tracker for a long time with no moves and a respectable return.
Question for anybody who's payday was last Friday. Jan 4. Did you get paid Mon, Dec 31 instead? I know some people at IRS who had that happen to them. I know, they should be happy they got paid at all, but in one case they had maxed out their TSP last year and since this pushed it back to last year they lost the matching. I'm just wondering why the 4 day early payday???
Question for anybody who's payday was last Friday. Jan 4. Did you get paid Mon, Dec 31 instead? I know some people at IRS who had that happen to them. I know, they should be happy they got paid at all, but in one case they had maxed out their TSP last year and since this pushed it back to last year they lost the matching. I'm just wondering why the 4 day early payday???

Not sure but maybe it's programed for a payout after a specified number of days when the approval is made. The approval was probable on 12/22/18. Just a wild guess here.
Thanks for the reply, Nasa. I'll tell her to keep an eye on it next year. If she is still around next year, that is. She's not too happy right now working for free while 2/3 of her coworkers got time off for the holidays.
My pay (DOJ) came in on the 30th as it normally does. My scheduled pay day is supposed to be wed (I think) but the deposit always comes in the Saturday before. Finished the year with the scheduled 26 pay checks so tsp donations were exactly where I wanted them.
S&P500 is bumping up against the 200 DMA again. I'm guessing it can knock but won't be let through yet. Just more of the same sideways direction bouncing between the 200 DMA and 200 EMA.
S&P500 is bumping up against the 200 DMA again. I'm guessing it can knock but won't be let through yet. Just more of the same sideways direction bouncing between the 200 DMA and 200 EMA.

Quite the push for sure. Nice to see support held up. That adds to support strength for a rainy day.