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Anyone taking this will not have access to FEHB. Resignation is not retirement.
Like WorkFE, I am seriously considering this.
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Like WorkFE, I am seriously considering this.
Are you OK not having FEHB access if you resign?This is right in my sweet spot, so I am looking at it pretty closely. Was planning on retiring 12/31/25. If I take it, I will retire the pay period ending right before 9/30/25. May work part time at Lowes or some golf course. Then again, I may not.
FEHB is not an issue for some (Retired Military). But good point WW, health care is a big expense on the outside.Anyone taking this will not have access to FEHB. Resignation is not retirement.
This is bad. we were told to reply to the HR email. They now have all our email addresses verified. This is really bad..
I don't think changing jobs will impact you if you are a permanent career employee but that may depend on the agency you are with. It is hard to fire federal workers so I think they are trying to encourage people to leave voluntarily. If they can't get folks to leave voluntarily, then you have process of Reduction In Force (RIF) which is a complicated process Even if you do lose your job and have to do something else, you are still entitled to a FERS pension at your MRA with 10+ years of service
If you just got promoted that means you are working hard & doing well so just focus on the job and things will work out.
Hope it goes ok for you. It's pretty scary. You have invested a lot of time and you shouldn't have to start over.I have 23 years in service and I'm not 50 yet, so I'm not touching this with a 20 foot pole. What I'm worried about is all employees in probationary status got their names/info sent to OPM, and I'm on that list, because I recently took a new position in another agency within the last 12 months. Hope me accepting a promotion doesn't result in me getting axed for taking that job. Aiming to retire at 57 though that's 12 years from now. Not looking to jump ship to go private, I've already invested too much time as a fed and I intend to collect my pension.
All they had to do was offer VERA thru September 30th. No lawsuits, no court hold-ups, no legal issues. Was that too much to do something easy that probably would have garnished better results? These guys have been rewarded for treating people horribly, so I guess why stop now?This has been another whirlwind for legal cases, changes, etc.,
Bottom line up front- Trump is offering stuff that’s not legal. Yes, Congress can easily pass legislation to do give buyouts, or to offer “paid leave”. So far, they HAVE NOT authorized it, so nobody should expect it to happen. It’s just not legal.
Give them a couple of months, and I’ll think they will figure out the legal ways to downsize. It takes Congress to approve, and they will offer real money, not make believe forks in the road. Then folks should be able to make clearer decisions based on real info, not wild guesses.
I just hope the USA survives this. It’s not pretty. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau no longer exists. Elon wiped it out yesterday. Lawsuits followed.
Not sure what is next.
Can't believe you said that. No matter what they do the other side will fight them tooth and nail.All they had to do was offer VERA thru September 30th.
Oops! Changed it to the intended link. Sorry about that!That's 11 minutes I'll never get back.I think you posted the wrong link.
This may be it, or something similar...
A Post By A MAGA Supporter Who Said They Were Laid Off Because Of Trump's Cuts Is Going Mega-Viral
"Each time I voted for you, it was because I knew you'd make things right and you'd fix the wrongs. I'm counting on you now to make this right too."
A Post By A MAGA Supporter Who Said They Were Laid Off Because Of Trump's Cuts Is Going Mega-Viral
I have zero sympathy for anyone that voted that way and ultimately gets laid off.Just FYI:
A Post By A MAGA Supporter Who Said They Were Laid Off Because Of Trump's Cuts Is Going Mega-Viral