Long term it's actually cheaper to remove the dead wood from the system.
Say my cost to the Gubmint is $100K - salary, OASDI, FEHB, and TSP match. That would be a GS-9 Step 5 in Raleigh. That means that you will cost the Gubmint about $75K because they pay you 3/4ths of the year. Round numbers. This is a one time cost and will be accrued only for FY2025.
If this chap decides to take a job in the private sector he will cost the Gubmint $0 in FY2026, $0 in FY2027...
If this chap decides to retire he/she will be getting his/her FERS pension - but he/she was on track to get that soon anyway.
If this chap seeks Federal employment once they cull the useless positions he/she will be doing useful work - at least per the Trumpster
Or, if this individual looks around and finds he/she is actually phoning it in (

) then he/she is incentivized to look for other employment.
So, the only negative is if someone takes an additional year of FERS annuity. The other results are net positives. And, yes, it can actually be less expensive to let some bureaucrats slumber their eight months with pay rather than cause hate and discontent with the myriad of stultifying regulations they enforce (but, which will likely be vanished).
Where the DOGErs seem off is that 200K Gubmint employs won't save hundreds of billions of dollars. However, if there is no screaming for the valuable service they once offered, perhaps the entire entity could be vanished and that would save bank.