Buster's Account Talk

It's not my Birthday but we are going to a friends house for Grilled Tenderloins tonight!! Bogga Bogga!:D
Doing some Penny Stocks..I'll post ones that caught my pennies...let's see where they go..

[TD="class: qmmt_header_text, align: left"] Great Wall Builders Ltd. (GWBU)
[TD="class: qmmt_header_text, align: right"]May 20 11:05 PM EDT

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Last Price

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Tick

[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]1.60

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Change
[TD="class: qmmt_text qmmt_text_up"]

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Day High
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]1.73

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Bid
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]N/A

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Ask
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]N/A

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Dividend
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]N/A

[TD="width: 25%"]

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Last Trade
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]5/18/12

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]% Change
[TD="class: qmmt_text qmmt_text_up, align: right"]1.27%

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Day Low
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]1.59

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Bid Size
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"][/TD]

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]AskSize
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"][/TD]

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Ex-Div Date
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]N/A


[TD="class: qmmt_text"]N/A

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Open
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]1.60

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]52 Wk Hi
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]1.73

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]EPS(TTM)
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]N/A

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Shares
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]349,819,293

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Yield
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]N/A

[TD="width: 25%"]

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Volume
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]13.73 m

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Prev Close
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]1.58

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]52 Wk Low
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]0.21

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]PE Ratio
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]N/A

[TD="class: qmmt_text"]Market Cap
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]

close Exchange Information
Listed On
OTC Bulletin Board Consolidated (OTCBB)

559.71 m[/TD]

[TD="class: qmmt_text"] Exchange
[TD="class: qmmt_text, align: right"]OTCBB

In spite of today's thunderous crash of the DJIA..this stock soared like and eagle...

I picked up 1000 shares of GWBU when it was at $1.43, 9 days ago...
Cha-cHING...it made me $390 today..Some experts now are saying it could and probably will go to $15.00 soon..I ain't waiting for that, I'll hold for $5.00 and dump it..at least that's my plan..:cool:
[h=2]Great Wall Builders Ltd. (GWBU)[/h]-OTC BB

0.31(20.53%) 3:59PM EDT

Add to Portfolio
To all.....

After the initial shock and resulting overwhelming and all consuming numbness has more or less set in, not unlike bad news from one's oncologist I would imagine, it's time to face the winter of reality that has just befallen our nation. We have finally and surely turned the corner in the direction of the dark side. Being somewhat of a cheerful fellow most of my life, I've always harbored the better hopes and dreams of a child concerning something as large and ominous as the future of our great nation and the inspired role it has played in the development of our world. This experiment of letting the populace have a say in the governess of their own lives and futures was not brought to be by accident, it was Providence, as we all know, or should. It has been a grand and noble endeavor, to be sure, and we must give heartfelt thanks to our Creator for letting us be a witness and participant in it's unfolding.

As we know all too well, Freedom isn't free. It must be nurtured with care and blood from time to time. I'm seeing this as one of those times. However, this time, we are not facing a foe from outside our own borders. We are facing a much more elusive one from within. This one has a much further reaching and deadly aim. This one can kill the very Spirit of Freedom in our souls. This one can devastate the Grand Experiment and cause us to lose the battle that has been raging since the preexistence. The battle for free agency has just been dealt a bitter blow. My sadness is almost all consuming. I sit back and in wonderment, witnessing our fellow citizens choose the path of servitude over virtue and nobleness and self reliance. For they know not what they do. We will need to be strong in the coming years. Strong for ourselves, our loved ones around us and those still waiting to start their journey on this earth. Thomas Paine said it best in December of 1776 after Washington's army suffered a major defeat in their first battle testing in New York. This is from memory, so please forgive me if some minor infractions occur.

These are the times that try men's souls
The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the duty of their country.
But he who stands by it now deserves the love and thanks of men and women.
Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered,
But, we have this consolation with us:
That the harder the conflict, the more sweet the victory.
'Tis dearness only that gives everything it's value.
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly.
Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods,
And it would be strange indeed if such a Celestial article as FREEDOM would not be highly rated.

My friends, we are at a crossroad. We all need to be thinking how we best can provide for ourselves and our families. We will tested in the not so distant future. Decisions will need to be made on some of the most basic of life's needs. For those of you not of my faith, get to understand the concept of food storage. Familiarize yourselves with self reliance and learn resourcefulness. When it finally falls, you will be more prepared to see it through. A little less panic will allow you some thinking room to better deal with the chaos. I pray for us all.

And thank-you Brother Mitt. There was just simply more Takers than Makers.

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them"
Thomas Jefferson

Dow today: -279
You guys have forgotten rule #1: This is all George Bush's fault.

I have a feeling that in four years, eight years of this presidency, it will STILL be George Bush's fault. The strategy of the victim-minded.
(Sarcasm mode on)

Attention Freepers and Republicans--
Please-- let's have an orderly transition.

1. Please, collect all your guns and ammo and have them ready at the front door. President Obama's army of U.N. officials will be along soon to commandeer them. Please leave them unloaded and stacked in neat little piles. Thank you.

2. Please, when the Obama army comes to take you to your concentration camp, please have only 1 bag and one personal item, as space in the overhead compartment is very limited.

3. Please, when Planned Parenthood shows up at your front door to give you your mandatory abortion, do not complain. If you are a man, just show them your male parts and be polite.

4. Please, drain your fuel tank and have your gasoline and coal standing by, as Obama's army of Global Warming Activists will be along soon to retrofit your car and install solar panels on your roof.

5. And please remember, just because your insurance company is forced to cover things like pre-existing conditions, there is no need to panic as you will receive the best care the government can dole out during your stay in our re-education camps.

Thank you for your co-operation.

P.S.- starting next friday, all baby girls born are to be given the name "Sharia" as a first or middle name.

Thank you.

(We survived G.W. You'll survive Barack. America is a great and resilient nation. )

P.P.S... Don't worry- The Mayan Calendar only goes till December 21 anyway. http://www.december212012.com/