burrocrat's Account Talk


In the future, employees may be required to wear similar headsets so companies can see how focused they are on their work, says Aaron Dignan, author of Game Frame, a recently published book that looks at elements of game design in the workplace. "At work, employers will ask: 'How many people in my office today are engaged, bored, or thinking about other stuff?"

yep, i just knew it. first it was the two trade limit, next maybe we'll have to be productive instead of focused on individual gain? what's the world coming to these days?
This is an economic question, not a political one.

If .gov shuts down and I don't have to go to work on Monday, on Tuesday can I go get a temporary job? Working for beef or bread or something?

If I'm 30 miles out of town in a grain truck and don't have cell service, how long do I have to get back to the day job if they try to call and say we're open again?

If they just pay everybody for the week-long furlough because it's cheaper than figuring out who didn't work and shouldn't get paid, then I have an ethical dilemma.

Do I have to give back one of the salaries? Should I give back one of the salaries? Which one?
Contribute to deficit reduction. Write checks to the Treasury. That way there's less drain as the Jimmys of the country make sure that your taxes help the needy to get new iPhones.
This is an economic question, not a political one.

If .gov shuts down and I don't have to go to work on Monday, on Tuesday can I go get a temporary job? Working for beef or bread or something?

If I'm 30 miles out of town in a grain truck and don't have cell service, how long do I have to get back to the day job if they try to call and say we're open again?

If they just pay everybody for the week-long furlough because it's cheaper than figuring out who didn't work and shouldn't get paid, then I have an ethical dilemma.

Do I have to give back one of the salaries? Should I give back one of the salaries? Which one?
During the last big shutdown in the 1990's, we were told by national news media whether we had to go to work the next day or not. There was also a phone hotline but it was always busy. When it was finally over, everybody was paid and those lucky enough to get day labor during the shutdown made two salaries. And everybody figured more power to 'em!
In about an hour I get to go see my pride and joy in a school play.

Pinnochio, of all things.

Fitting, given the verbal antics flying around the WDC ether lately.

This is gonna be good.
In about an hour I get to go see my pride and joy in a school play.

Pinnochio, of all things.

Fitting, given the verbal antics flying around the WDC ether lately.

This is gonna be good.

Congrats and Enjoy !! Savor the moments you will have for the rest of your life.

oh, and it is fitting... ;)
Well, now that we're all back cutting a fat hog.

Just in case you made too much money and are looking for a deduction, may I suggest?


Within each MCT cast, girls and boys are equal; the disabled become able; the shy experiment with bravery; the slow are rehearsed to perfection; and the gifted become part of the whole. The lesson they learn is that all of them are necessary for the show to go on. Few arenas exist where responsibility is taught and learned so clearly. MCT provides a unique opportunity to learn the lessons of group dynamics while excelling as an individual—a lesson from art that carries into life.
I don't often pre-trade, but if it starts down and stays down this morning I think I'm putting some in.

Unless I cancel before the deadline, COB I'll be 50G,0F,30C,10S,10I.

Hey I'm only jumping in up to my ankles so the worst that could happen is I break my ankles right?
I don't often pre-trade, but if it starts down and stays down this morning I think I'm putting some in.

Unless I cancel before the deadline, COB I'll be 50G,0F,30C,10S,10I.

Hey I'm only jumping in up to my ankles so the worst that could happen is I break my ankles right?

Depends where you're jumping from. Could break your back! :D
I don't often pre-trade, but if it starts down and stays down this morning I think I'm putting some in.

Unless I cancel before the deadline, COB I'll be 50G,0F,30C,10S,10I.

Hey I'm only jumping in up to my ankles so the worst that could happen is I break my ankles right?

OK, trade is on, I'm in halfway.
#187 on the tracker after today, if equites get slaughtered tomorrow, I think I'm going to put the rest of mine in.

C'mon, where's that 3% drop we're all looking for?
#187 on the tracker after today, if equites get slaughtered tomorrow, I think I'm going to put the rest of mine in.

C'mon, where's that 3% drop we're all looking for?

burro, Since I put all my eggs into the S fund last week I have lost just over 3%. I've seen mine I hope you don't see yours.
Interesting allocation; what is the thought process for all the life cycle funds?

A while back I got tired of blaming my poor investment performance on the two IFT limit so I went looking for ways I could utilize the TSP framework to advantage.

There is a good thread around here somewhere called the <1% something or other. Squalebear invented it I think. They can explain it way better than me but here is how I use it.

When I am moving most or all my chips in on my 2nd IFT of the month, I consider putting 1% each in the 2030, 2040, and 2050 funds. If I think my most recent move in is likely to be a quick turn and/or leave lots of days left in the month, then I almost always do the <1% thing.

That way I can get most of my chips out if needed (hopefully at a couple percent gain) and still be able to get some back in if I'm wrong and the market goes and does what Birchtree wants it to.

Every other day you can rebalance any fund you have anything in up/down to an even x.00 percent. If you want to get back into equities but are out of trades and locked then you have no one to blame but yourself. If you had left at least 1% each in C, S, I, and the 3 lifecycle funds which have an equity component, then you have some options left.

If there are 10 trading days left in the month then 5 times you could move ~5% for a total of 25% back in the game before you officially get to reload. That is the practical best case scenario for the method in my opinion, usually you won't have that many days or a couple of funds end up at x.00 so you can't fiddle with them or most likely may not even want back in.

But it beats having no options and sitting around crying about it.
burro, Since I put all my eggs into the S fund last week I have lost just over 3%. I've seen mine I hope you don't see yours.

I think we just did, c'mon I'm at +4.5 and looking for 7, just give me a couple good days honey, I won't stay long or take too much, easy in easy out.
