well well well, that is quite a pounding we took today boys and girls. the funny thing about the market is, it has no idea who it is messing with, yet. but sometimes it gets the best of me. that is ok, i only need to hit one shot to take it down.
now, i shoulda known when one of my indicators was screaming pessimism that i should go all in (stocks) and as confirmation another was screaming all out (the digicoin-some call it ether-made out of thin air-literally-just make the crap out of nothing) but i was kind of flippy floppy about that, skeered, and not sure now if i would've pulled the trigger out the next monday anyways, so that is how it goes. wait for it.
the good news is, it's a traders market with plenty of volatility (read margin waiting to be had) saddle up. the bad news is after being up about +4% now i'm maybe break even on the year, smooth moves exlax.
do you think it will come crank on the longs tomorrow again? how many longs will break, reach their personal pain point? when? soon? the other problem with the market is it just don't understand me. the harder it pushes the more i resist, i will ride this thing straight to hell. lashed up tight and smiling all the way, in the long run it matters naught.
the real secret to beating the market is to know the smell of sizzle when lightning is about to strike, the goosebumps and fear when the hairs on your arm stand straight up, that is the time. the other thing i enjoy besides poker and nekked women is shaking my fist at the sky. how'm i doin so far?
bring it. these market dogs got nuthin on me.