bmneveu's Account Talk

First IFT in a long time. I've been passive in that regard, but with an aggressive allocation. I was 40C/40S/20I for months. IFTd to 100G tonight (last night for the mainlanders). Longterm S&P looks toppy to me. Elections are around the corner. I'm probably out until late November / early December.
This tour in Hawaii was a busy one for me. Managing my TSP account took a back seat to many other things I had going on. I never adjusted to being in a timezone that makes it difficult to make timely IFTs and swing trades. I ended up leaving my account mostly untouched while I was here. That would have been great if it were 100% in stocks! Unfortunately it mostly in G. My PIP is 5.25% right now. Not bad, but not anything close to what the C/S/I funds did this year. I did get to increase my contributions by a considerable amount while I was out here though, so that was nice. And I bought a bunch of physical silver too.

I'm PCSing to MacDill AFB, Tampa, FL in March. I plan to get back to being more active with this account and my trading account during that tour while I'm in a time zone that is easier to work with.
Does anyone consider guns/ammo an investment? I don't own any myself, but I feel like they hold their value well. Just a thought.
Does anyone consider guns/ammo an investment? I don't own any myself, but I feel like they hold their value well. Just a thought.

I have a nice little collection of pistols/rifles and decent stockpile of ammo. I've never really thought of it as an investment, but I never plan to sell anything I buy. It can never hurt to have more. :D
If I had bought guns in the 90's instead of stocks and sold before trump was elected I would have been way ahead.
Does anyone consider guns/ammo an investment? I don't own any myself, but I feel like they hold their value well. Just a thought.
Only 29% invested in stocks right now. Looks like I'm missing the train again. Should I wait for the dip that will never come?
Does anyone consider guns/ammo an investment? I don't own any myself, but I feel like they hold their value well. Just a thought.

I find collector cars a better option. I have never sold for a loss. My passion is first gen Camaros but will buy anything on fire sale.
Interesting. That is an emerging theory lately, but we're in uncharted waters here. I think it's pretty safe to say we are in the euphoric stage now. Political and economic factors make it impossible to not be invested to some degree right now. I am nervous because when the correction arrives, it will be swift me thinks.