Re: Birchtree's account talk
Birchtree said:
The Wizard was recently on another board where his investing strategy came in last. That may be very telling. He could just be overly envious because I make a few dollars here and there. It doesn't really mean a thing - Hooah!!
That is in inaccurate. Link to the board where I came in last?

Chirp, chirp.
Last Friday I posted "if you know how to go short - now would be a good time

". Since I have been on this board I have been saying buy precious metals. The best investment from the start of the year. :nuts:
Really Birchy - you have not made a few dollars here and there - you are just getting some back from your hold and hope strategy. If you go back to 1999 to now you are probably still underwater. However due to "real" inflation those few dollar here and there are really worth 60% less. Do not worry in time you figure out what that means. :embarrest:
I challenge you because the stuff you post is from fleecers. You are listening to the same people that burned many during the last tech bubble.
Some people never learn and they go right back to that electric fence.
Now tell me us again why the fed should stop raising rates?
Tell me why the insiders are selling at levels higher then 2000? While the "experts" are telling us to buy now?
Refute if you back out the energy companies earnings - earning are really HORRIBLE. Energy companies earnings are the reason the earnings are still at high levels - that is not good for the economy. Have you look at the charts of DELL/MSFT/INTC to name a few? Their earnings - SUCK.
Tell us why are are in the worst performing stock fund C fund - AGAIN? Another year you hold and hope in the underperformer.
Go, Birchy, Go.
Basically you post stuff and can not back it up because you do not really understand what you are posting. I understand the economics and while Tom allows me on this board I will break it down so others understand it is a bunch of permabull bung.