I checked the TSP government site and it shows my 12 month 2010 gain as 34.28% gain. This was the first year since I started in Jan 1987 that my account balance from Dec 31 to Dec 31 has exceeded my total gross pay (not adjusted)... WoooHooo... I’m still on the sidelines looking up at about 300 accounts that are doing a lot better than my current G Fund... :blink::blink:
According to TSP Talk, my 2010 gain was 34.02% and for 2009 it was a 24.07% gain... Not bad for an old Navy F14 Radar Tech... LOL... This averages 29% for the last couple of years and I just hope I can have another green year for 2011.
So far, it looks like the bulls are off and running early in 2011... I’m bullish for a green year, but I still think we have to keep a close eye on energy as it rears it head near the 100 buck mark and inflation. I drive what my son calls a Golf Cart Prius, so its not too bad at the pump, but food prices are also going up in a big way. My wife and I are very tight when it comes to buying food and its becoming noticeable. We buy bulk items when on sale and we actually pressure can a lot of perishable food. You don’t have to refrigerate it, very long shelf life and tastes good too... Quart Mason Jars everywhere around here... LOL
Another concern I have is fed debt. The states are in bad shape too, for example, Illinois just raised their income tax a little over 60% to help control their debt. That’s my home state and that will be tough, especially for anyone living paycheck to paycheck. The federal debt is almost unbeilable too. I had the TV on the other day and someone said our deficit is growing on the order of 3 Billion per day!!! I still don't think the old school politicians get it yet... The mainstream media still don’t understand what drives the Tea Party either... Its not a right wing or left wing slam, its their out of control spending!!! I think they need to restructure the tax code and for every extra dollar they take in, they need to cut two. Once they cut that two they need to look for a third.
The first step they need to do is tell the truth about entitlement programs such as SSA. It’s almost like a “Madoff Ponzi scheme” You can’t keep spending more than you take in.
Anyway, I think 2011 is going to be another interesting year. Have a great day and good luck with your TSP investments!!!