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Thanks for catching that mistake. I got my Kombucha tea and my colloidal silver mixed up.
It is two tablespoons of colloidal silver swished and held under the tongue for 5 minutes before swallowing. There have beencases where people haveconsumed a quart of colloidal silver a day without any apparent side effects....but, itis suspected that amount (a quart a day) could destroy the good bacteria in the stomach. Generally, two tablespoons a day for generalmaintenance is recommended and four tablespoonsif there is a specific issue being addressed. I haven't turned blue yet
I drink two ounces of Kombucha tea a day.
Thanks again for catching that.
Thanks for catching that mistake. I got my Kombucha tea and my colloidal silver mixed up.
It is two tablespoons of colloidal silver swished and held under the tongue for 5 minutes before swallowing. There have beencases where people haveconsumed a quart of colloidal silver a day without any apparent side effects....but, itis suspected that amount (a quart a day) could destroy the good bacteria in the stomach. Generally, two tablespoons a day for generalmaintenance is recommended and four tablespoonsif there is a specific issue being addressed. I haven't turned blue yet

I drink two ounces of Kombucha tea a day.
Thanks again for catching that.