AutoTracker Returns Off By 0.01%


Staff member
Some of you have noticed that your return is off by 0.01%. It is most noticeable for the accounts that have been 100% in the G fund all year.

It is actually not a big problem, and your account may actually be off by < 0.005% - and will likely seem correct after the next day's processing.

When we calculate the return, we subtract your current return from your return on 12/31/09, then divide by your return on 12/31/09. Balance and return are taken to the 4th decimal place during calculations.

Not everyone starts the year with the same balance since we rolled last year's balances into this year's when the new year started. New members always start with $10,000. Old members start the year with their 2009 ending balance.

So, depending on when you started or how you did in 2009, your starting balance might be different than someone else's. And that difference will show up on a particular day when a fund closes the day on a return near the XX.005% area. Some round up 0.001% and some don't.

Come the following day, it will likely look better. Some days it will be off - but never by more than 0.01%.

It actually looks correct in the database, but for some reason it does not display precisely on the report. If you notice when you sort by YTD return, some of the 0.20% returns are above the 0.21% returns. So, I believe the actual return that we have is correct, but what is displaying is off by .01%. I can't tell why exactly. I'd say rounding, but that doesn't make a lot of sense. I'll keep looking.