Folks, don't hang your hats on past performance. Random is as random does.

My patterns remain in the core of my old and new system. The new system uses probabilities that takes randomness out of the equation. It's never been done before, but if it keeps working the way it has, then watch out! I've been tinkering with the system for about three years (2012-2014), and it has beaten the S&P 500 in 2012, lost in 2013, and is beating it again this year. If we look back to 2007 using the triple patterns, even without the double patterns, the new system would have beaten the S&P 500 in 7 of the last 8 years.

Let's say a drug company is competing against other companies and not doing that great. Then their research finally pays off by discovering something about their product. They know that their product can now outperform anything in the market. If the product can truly be the best, what do you do? Closed-minded folks need not answer. :D

When it comes to research and development (R&D), innovation is what you're after. Don't be fooled with the illusion of past performance, especially when random chance has it by the balls. :rolleyes:
You know what I think...

I think equities go up because greedy, rapacious capitalistic pig 1%ers need their companies to grow to make themselves wealthy.

Simple. Plus, anyone else out there notice that the indexes add and drop companies. Enron would be quite a drag on the S&P500 and DOW right now, as would Kodak, as would Polaroid, etc... Systems are nice on the margin - or when things are about to crap out like 2008. But, in the norm, anything that moves you out of the market gets you out of the ownership society. And, out of the influence of those dastardly 1%ers in the Bilderberger Society.
Thanks for the interesting lists, JTH! Check me out at #69 on the 2-yr list! Woohoo!!!

Also, look at "Total_US_Market" on the 5-yr list - it's just set and forget with an allocation of 36%C/64%S. Imagine what BT could have accomplished if he wasn't holding that I-fund turd. ;)
Thanks for the interesting lists, JTH! Check me out at #69 on the 2-yr list! Woohoo!!!

Also, look at "Total_US_Market" on the 5-yr list - it's just set and forget with an allocation of 36%C/64%S. Imagine what BT could have accomplished if he wasn't holding that I-fund turd. ;)

My money is on the turd soon. Turds rise to the top after they sink to the bottom. Always invest in the turds - especially when they are equity indexes. Those are the best turds ever. And, I know my turds.

The only turd that doesn't go anywhere is the 'G Fund' turd. And, it is built to be a stable turd. Why am I holding 12% in that turd - why!!!