ATCJeff's Account Talk

i just noticed your signoff 2 years and 6 months, you must be waiting on your 20 year pin? i have about the same time left. im waiting on my 34 year pin. hee hee !
i just noticed your signoff 2 years and 6 months, you must be waiting on your 20 year pin? i have about the same time left. im waiting on my 34 year pin. hee hee !

I'm almost at 25 yrs. Just updated my sig.

The gap was partially filled this morning but we may need a little more selling - still about a $5 gap. I was thinking 1315, but it's closer to 1313.

I wish I listened to myself and stayed out until it got filled. I am glad to see someone was smart enough / patient enough to do that.

Tom: With my most highest respect; No pain no gain. :)
Nice move yesterday to be in S today. Do you always post your moves here before the deadline? Might latch on to your coat tail.
ATCJeff: I post all my moves at the TSP AutoTracker and on the Members' Account Talk under the TSPIntel's Account Talk. I joined the TSPTalk till March 28th this year, so it have been hard to move from the 700 plus position to the 200's in just couple months, there are very smart foxes here. :)
On my first ever furlough day in 27 years of service.....

I hit the lake!

I know it's early, but June is starting to look exactly like May.

Looking to sell my position in the S around 875ish.