Asylum's Account Talk

N00b question: Should I change my Contribution Allocations when i change my Interfund Transfers??
N00b question: Should I change my Contribution Allocations when i change my Interfund Transfers??

Depends on your mindset:
1) Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) - like Birchtree will usually keep your Contributions/Transfers in line with one another to continue accumulating more shares.

2) Contributions go to G Fund - which guarantees you keep the invested amount (which is what I do) until you decide otherwise. So my last payday went to stocks yesterday at close of business.

If your mentality during a BEAR MARKET/RECESSION leads you to conserve every penny and buy more STOCKS when it finally bottoms then you're better off letting everything go to G Fund and keep it there. The problem is - it's hard to maintain that Mentality on this MB because most of us point to getting in and seizing gains and often the WISHFUL THINKING THAT THE BEAR MARKET IS OVER starts to flood your thinking.

Anyway - welcome aboard and hope this helps. :p
Depends on your mindset:
1) Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) - like Birchtree will usually keep your Contributions/Transfers in line with one another to continue accumulating more shares.

2) Contributions go to G Fund - which guarantees you keep the invested amount (which is what I do) until you decide otherwise. So my last payday went to stocks yesterday at close of business.

If your mentality during a BEAR MARKET/RECESSION leads you to conserve every penny and buy more STOCKS when it finally bottoms then you're better off letting everything go to G Fund and keep it there. The problem is - it's hard to maintain that Mentality on this MB because most of us point to getting in and seizing gains and often the WISHFUL THINKING THAT THE BEAR MARKET IS OVER starts to flood your thinking.

Anyway - welcome aboard and hope this helps. :p

Thanks.. i think i will stick to DCA since that has worked fine for me since 97. I think I'll continue to buy C, S and I shares at a discount this year and next year (or however the bear lasts) then be happy when it picks back up.
Thanks.. i think i will stick to DCA since that has worked fine for me since 97. I think I'll continue to buy C, S and I shares at a discount this year and next year (or however the bear lasts) then be happy when it picks back up.

That's an excellent plan - especially since you've been in that long
Moving to 100% G COB today..

will continue buying shares of CS & I however with my account allocations.
Currently sitting at:


I think I am going to "gut" it out another day... good things come in 3's don't they, besides I have $10k to recover to be where I was on 1 Jan and making $1k-$3k at a pop on an uptick helps...
Delimma; I've already exceeded my reallocations via IFT's as per the TSP RULZ.. so, do I thumb my nose at them and do an IFT per day until Apr?

Or do I stop now and hope that somehow they've missed my moves?
Delimma; I've already exceeded my reallocations via IFT's as per the TSP RULZ.. so, do I thumb my nose at them and do an IFT per day until Apr?

Or do I stop now and hope that somehow they've missed my moves?

I got my Cert. Letter documenting my February ITF's as beyond the rulz.
I'm now restricted to Snail Mail Transfers until further notice. Ultimately,
the decision will rest in your hands. IMO, they are going to be looking at
March, just as close.
I got my Cert. Letter documenting my February ITF's as beyond the rulz.
I'm now restricted to Snail Mail Transfers until further notice. Ultimately,
the decision will rest in your hands. IMO, they are going to be looking at
March, just as close.

So, do you get a 'warning letter' the month before they start looking at your reallocations?

Then, if you bust 3 IFT's the following month, they restrict your access?
So, do you get a 'warning letter' the month before they start looking at your reallocations?

Then, if you bust 3 IFT's the following month, they restrict your access?

I can't say for sure. It would be reasonable to believe that a warning letter should come first. I just don't trust anyone up there anymore.:blink:
I can't say for sure. It would be reasonable to believe that a warning letter should come first. I just don't trust anyone up there anymore.:blink:

I'm sitting at 50-50 G/F fund now and would like to pull out of the G but worried about the reallocation cap. :(

Now to post up a bit of humor:

Not a bad day in the 100% I Fund... nearly tied now with the F Fund for the year... :nuts:

Thank you all for your very interesting insight and analysis.

Staying in I for another day or two...

Now for something completely different:

If you know what LOL Cats are you'll like this.. i think i am going to put one above my office mate's desk...

In the I today again, but not feeling much I-Fund love for tomorrow...

getting out while the getting's good! (at least my TSP fund's bleeding has been stopped and I have made up almost 25% of my losses from the start of the year).

50% - G
50% - F

COB at the COB today.


"You know you can only do two TSP trades a month!!!"

Thanks to everyone's comments and news postings over the last couple months I've managed to stop the bleeding on my FSP and start recovering some of my loss from last Oct. Much appreciated!

Ok, now I am thinking about going all in or nearly all into the S fund before the weekend...

Would like to see it down a bit more but it looks tempting... very tempting..

May wait until tomorrow though.

C - 10%
S - 40%
I - 50%

COB Fri 28 March

Fear I may be a wee bit premature for next week, but willing to take a little red to get to the green.

Current Return on the Tracker (#9 - like Spitzer!!):

