Appatites Account Talk


Honestly, I just plan on following the leaders here and hope for the best.

Been in the TSP for 13 years so I do feel I have money to lose but still 20 years left for gains. I can't sit around with and average of 5.5% per year, which is where I am currently at due to 2008's 29% loss. I was tracking my tsp for those 13 years and up till that point was hitting my number at 9% yearly. Since 2008 or the last 2 years, factor 2008 out, and I have been at 12.5%. Doesn't help cuz 2008 does in fact exist no matter how much I try to block it out.

So hopefully I will get my percentage back up. So far this year I am at 3.85%
Re: Appatites account talk

Welcome Appatite, hopefully you can get some of that 2008 money back, plenty of others in the same boat.
Best of luck.:D
Re: Appatites account talk

Welcome Appatite....

Good luck this year, though I think few will need it......Just be in the market...even if only for a little bit!:nuts:

See ya on the beach!:cool:
Re: Appatites account talk

Thanks for the warm welcomes.

I will be moving all 20% of my G funds into other funds and eavening things out. I don't know how many days I will leave it like this. Seems more like I should take gains now and wait for next month to roll around. We'll see.
Re: Appatites account talk

One day I ordered a bacon wrapped hotdog from a street vendor in tiajuana. Didn't feel right at the time but I ate it anyways. The next day really sucked.

And that is how I am feeling right now about not being 100% in the g fund.

Let's hope they cooked the bacon this time.

Just a gut feeling. Ever have those?
Re: Appatites account talk

Well, yesterday has passed and hopefully that bacon wrapped hot dog too. The sun is shining, somewhere, and I'm still in the positive.

Gonna have to stay where I am at C,S,I 45,40,15 until friday to see what I might do. Only got one IFT left before G fund.
Re: Appatites account talk

I'm pretty well conflicted at this point in february. I have never seen a gain as high as this in the 9 years I have kept track. Right now I am showing 3.5% so if I pulled back to G and add one more paycheck I'd hit about 3.8% for this month. My next best february was 2005 when I hit 1.77% In fact the majority of februarys I went negative to less than 1% so bailing looks like a great thing to do but I will wait for the sentiment survey this friday.
Re: Appatites account talk

So I pulled the trigger, halfway.

Moved from C45,S40, I15 to C30, S35, I35.

I just feel the S fund is played out this month and the I fund has under performed this month, comparably speaking. So I had one IFT remaining and I moved more into I fund.

There is no big economic news for two weeks so the only thing possible is BAD news affecting the S fund. JMHO.

Still, if that sucker keeps driving, I'm gonna have to move into it in early March.
Re: Appatites account talk

That is the problem with pulling triggers halfway. I went a little more into I fund when I should have run for the G hills.

So how bad can it get today, tomorrow, and the following week?

I have only one move left in me for IFT's this month and hopefully I don't have to use it.

Everybody is now watching other peoples move into G, right? Let's see how many how fast.
Re: Appatites account talk

18 of the top 100 have pulled back the G fund already. Will there be more after today trying to save some gains?

On the bright side, if I change the ytd returns on the tracker from worst to best, I'm #20. Woohoo. :)

After yesterday, I have about 2.8% gain for the year.

Better than a sharp stick in the eye.
It's scary out there right now.

Todays tracker

180 people are 100% in the G
142 people are 100% in the S

More people in the F than in the I. The F fund?????? 100%????

None of that makes sense to me.

And I am thinking 100% S within the week for me.

2 new IFT's. All mine.
Well yesterday sucked. And for more reasons than one.

So, hindsight is 20/20 right. And I had had this thought about Feb 26th/27th.

I was 30C/35S/35I and I was out of IFT's The only thing I could do at this point was to move some or all into G. My thought was that it is probably better to move the 30C and 35I into G for consolidation and then watch what the market did by 11:59 on March 1st. Then drop everything into S or not. Would have been a notdue to the large drop which would have saved me a couple grand. Then I would have waited one more day as I expect the market to drop for about a total of 3-4 days now, right? (I believe that is the natural assumption for a market consolidation) Again hindsight, as this also could have produced a missed gain if the market went up.

But what does anybody here think. If you are out of IFT's and the end of the month is here and you really want to move to another fund, is it better to move into G the day before COB or sit on your current funds?
I did a couple Spanish study stints in Mexico back in the early '90s. Cuernavaca and Guadalajara. I've had many a bacon wrapped hot dog in my time. The key is to take Pepto Bismol proactively, and have a bottle of liquid Immodium on hand at all times.
I'm sure there's an analogy to the stock market somewhere in there, but I'm too tired to find it. Good luck!
If you are out of IFT's and the end of the month is here and you really want to move to another fund, is it better to move into G the day before COB or sit on your current funds?

If I was in stocks at the end of the month I would stay in as quite often the first day of the month sees a gain (not always, you would want to study on what to do)

But most of us like to be IN at the beg. of the month.
Thanks FAB 1.

Hopefully, after I see what the gains are for today, and I believe the sentiment survey is going to show either a hold or buy S, (guessing right now) I am going to just go 100% S by COB tomorrow. I don't see any more reason to be spread out over the C, S and I funds. S is hot for today and lately and until it shows it ain't top dog, I see no reason to deny him.