Anyone Read Mike Causey?


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Does anyone read Mike Causey's article? He admits he knows little about investing but somehow he knows that what we do is wrong. He also has an interestingopinion of us...

"Now feds can move virtually overnight from one fund to another. What's surprising is that the number of investors who are doing it, out of millions of investors, is very, very, very low. You could probably get all of them together and fit them in a large banquet room. Which might not be such a bad idea!" - Causey

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Well! So what? He like a lot of "guros" knows more than we do!

"Virtually all certified financial planners and investment experts say the same thing: when you are investing for the long-haul, invest for the long-haul. Don't try to time the market, jumping out when it drops (that is called "selling low") and rushing to a fund when it is on the rise (that is called "buying high".) It would be the road to riches if you could actually time the market, but hardly anybody can actually do it. "

ans: This is BS!

Now feds can move virtually overnight from one fund to another. What's surprising is that the number of investors who are doing it, out of millions of investors, is very, very, very low. You could probably get all of them together and fit them in a large banquet room. Which might not be such a bad idea!

ans: Isn't this America! It's our option. Why the poke at the banquet room? Is he buying dinner or something? I want steak and lobster?

Most pros say that you should have a strategy based on your goals. For example, knowing when you will start withdrawing and spending your TSP account would help determine the percentage of your investment you want in the C, S, I, F and G funds. Most of the people retiring now and over the next five years (average age 61) are under the old CSRS plan. It's more generous, indexed-to-inflation annuities mean some people won't be touching their TSP accounts for years. Many financial planners are now telling people to assume they will live to be 95!!!

ans: More BS!
I have a strategy, I trade. I try to stay away from decliningtrends, and try to catch advancing trends. Where has he been since the NASD bubble of 2000?
I'm under FERS and retiring next year!
Sorry, managing my own funds. Not listening to folks like you! "Buy and hope" is an outdated approach since 2000!
95????Give me a break!!!!

TSP participants need advice on their funds! Outside of this board, advice has been none or nill. So why critize us for trying to have our funds grow????

My opinion of that article (adult reply)!
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Sounds like he is one of “those” people that get nervous when the “masses” start to think for themselves. He would like “we the people” to drone on all in one direction never asking why or questioning the systems that are in place. i.e. “The herd.” One of “those” people who’s opinion is the only “correct” opinion. He knows it all and anyone who has a differing opinion should be herded into the banquet room lock in and set a fire. Ha!

People like him would like people like us to quietly slip into oblivion and never be heard of again. Why? Because people like us allow our Government, politicians, and corporations to get away with..........little improprieties until they cross to far over that line. Then its people like us that shout out “this is wrong” and “we won’t stand for it”, or “this has gone to far”. The people that don’t vote, don’t ask questions, don’t call talk shows, don’t contact their politicians, or don’t question why would continue to live their mundane lives and “those” people could do whatever they want.

Ooops! Better stop now I’m rambling on about “the man” and he’s watching. heehee.

Ahhh going to work now. Working on the roof today and it going to be a hot one. Good luck everyone!
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Spaf wrote:
ans: Isn't this America! It's our option. Why the poke at the banquet room? Is he buying dinner or something? I want steak and lobster?
My opinion of that article (adult reply)!
No but he probably was bought a nice dinner by those board members Bush hired!