anyone know how to track TSP concributions in a profilio?

I posted the newest TSP quote file on my website. It contains all TSP quotes from 2003 until the present (as of 8 October 2006). It is located right here (at the bottom of the post) with instructions on how to use it.

Hey 1212Computer- I really like your website that offers daily downloads. Any chance you could use my TSP .csv file above to give a complete history of the TSP share prices?

I updated the csv file that has all the TSP quotes. It has TSP quotes from 2003 until November 11, 2006. The file is located here (at bottom of post) with instructions on how to set Quicken up to use it.
I have updated the file that contains the historical prices for TSP. The file contains prices for all TSP funds from 2003 through December 22, 2006. The file and instructions on how to setup in Quicken are located here:
(the Zip file is located at the bottom of the post). Happy Holidays and Merry 2007!
Once again, I have updated the historical prices for all TSP funds from inception to 16 February 2007. The file is located in the HOWTO. The HOWTO that explains how to set this up in Quicken is located in the link below. Note: you cannot use this file without changing the ticker symbols in Quicken to the ones I use in the .csv file (details are in the link above). Enjoy!
Updated TSP prices in Quicken
Hello All,

I have spent many hours searching for a solution to this problem of updating TSP prices in Quicken. So, I decided to sit down one afternoon and write my own code to solve the problem. I am offering it free to anyone who wants to update prices daily/weekly or whenever you want. Please provide some feedback because this is the first release of the program. As of now you can download the QIF file from my website daily (once TSP updates their webpage). Enjoy and I hope this helps others out there!

Go to:


That's rather nifty!

Hello All,

I have posted several resources for TSP investors, they can be found at People who interested in adding TSP Funds to Quicken and MS Money check out the link above for more information.
