anyone know how to track TSP concributions in a profilio?


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i can't seem to find the stock number or anything so i can track it... i am new to TSP and stock and such and i just wanted to invest in something... creating a profolio wouldn't defintely help me out tho...

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Unfortunately, the TSP funds don't have ticker symbols. Therefore, you have to enter the prices manually into Quicken, MS Money, or Tom's TSP spreadsheet.

I use Quicken.:^
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wendellmiculob wrote:
you need to puchase the code and such huh? and you have to input the numbers everyday?

You need to buy the software. You can usually get a prior year'sedition, e.g. 2004,for less than $20.

Yes, you need to put prices in at some point. However, it doesn't need to be daily. In addition, if you're contributing on a bi-weekly basis, you also need to inputyour contributions.A compromise might be to put your contributions in on a bi-weekly basis and update the prices at that point.

The big advantage of this software is that if you keep your prices and contributions up to date,you know exactly how your TSP account is performing.
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No, but if you have specific questions, I'll try to walk you thru -thru posts and/or PMs. Incidentally, I'm using Quicken Deluxe 2004.

Basically, you have to set up accounts, e.g. G Fund, F Fund, C Fund etc.from the "Investing" tab.

Since TSP doesn't have a download capability, you have to update prices manually. In 2004 click on the account nameto get the "Security Detail View"and use the "Update" tab to update the prices.

To enter contributions, click on the "Enter Transactions" tab from the Summary page and fill in the appropriate info, i.e. the date, the security, number of shares acquired, and the price.Using the "shares added", instead of "shares bought" seems to work thebest.

Note, I'll be out of town and off the computer until Tuesday.

Happy New Year! :^
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rokid--thanks a bunch for reply.

I'm using Q2006.

Q2006 has a "Enter Transaction" button and within it is the "Add-Shares Added" option. Haven't done that yet will wait for your answer on Tuesday.

Got the funds setup, so how often should I make updates?

I make payroll contributions every two weeks and get only qurterly statements.

Should I make daily entries or just bi-weekly entries when I actually contribute?
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Unless you wish to keep track of your gains/losses daily, there's no need to enter share prices more often than biweekly (when your contributions go in). The only other reason I can think of to enter the prices would be if you make an interfund transfer (which of course would mean you are buying/selling shares).
Unless you want to track the performance of each fund on a daily basis, you only need to enter the fund prices when you add shares on a bi-weekly basis.

Use the "add shares" option. After the first entry, you'll need to subtract the current number of TSP shares from the updated number. For example, if you currently have 100 shares of C Fund, you may have 120 after your contribution goes in. Therefore, you would "add" 20 shares of C Fund at the price of the shares on the day posted.

I get payed on Friday. However, my TSP contributions are added the night before, i.e. Thursday night. Therefore, I use Thursday's price in my "add" transaction. Once you update Quicken, make sure the TSP totals are the same - grand total and total for each fund. Good luck.
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TSP and Quicken <=2004

I have quicken 2004 premier and I just figured out the importing price history dilemma. So this might help some of you.
I thought there used to be alot more posts about Quicken in this TSPTalk forums but I guess they deleted all of the old posts anyway.
1. What I do is I add setup my paychecks in Quicken to put my contributions and the gov't contributions into my the TSP porfolio. In that portfolio I have each of the funds set up.
2. At the end of each quarter I download the PDF of the participant statement and then I copy the tables (Date/Contribution/Amount invested/etc.) into a custom Excel File. I have the excel File setup so that when I import the table below it automatically populates the fields so that I'll be able to import them into Quicken.
3. I save that file as a Text Tab delimited, and then open that up in notepad, clear out the Tables at the Top, leaving the Quicken QIF formatted stuff at the bottom, and then save that as a qif file.
4. Then I import that into quicken and all of my transactions are automatically populated.

I just figured out how to import price history. I've read alot on this previously and yes the format is: "Ticker, Price, Date" but the key is that in quicken you have to have a "Ticker Symbol" assoicated with the account. Now previously when I set up my tsp account I setup an account NAME but not the associated ticker symbol, because obviously there are no ticker symbols associeated with TSP accounts as they are not publicly traded. So once you make sure that a ticker symbol is registered with each fund, the file easily imports. The only flaw I found was that although I had saved the price history in Excel as a CSV file I still had to open it in notepad and resave it as a CSV file, I guess excell adds some sort of headers or something to it and saving it in notepad clears that off.
Anyway, if you want the excel file so that you can import all the transactions , it is attached in a zip file. I made it in Excel 2000. It is pretty self evident if you used Excel and Quicken before but if you have questions email me.

Hope this helps.
I don't know if this helps any more than the last post above (by gnewburyiv) which is very concise, but I have the latest .csv files posted on my website. For these to work, you need to use the same ticker-names in Quicken that I do. You can see the specifics after the jump. My goal is to update them quarterly when the TSP statements come out. Check this link for the latest TSP prices in the .csv format:
HOWTO: Quicken and TSP. -Allen
Hello All,

I have spent many hours searching for a solution to this problem of updating TSP prices in Quicken. So, I decided to sit down one afternoon and write my own code to solve the problem. I am offering it free to anyone who wants to update prices daily/weekly or whenever you want. Please provide some feedback because this is the first release of the program. As of now you can download the QIF file from my website daily (once TSP updates their webpage). Enjoy and I hope this helps others out there!

Go to:

Very nice, 1212. Now we need to get some code that can automatically log in to tsp and make an interfund transfer.
1212Computer said:
Hello All,

I have spent many hours searching for a solution to this problem of updating TSP prices in Quicken. So, I decided to sit down one afternoon and write my own code to solve the problem. I am offering it free to anyone who wants to update prices daily/weekly or whenever you want. Please provide some feedback because this is the first release of the program. As of now you can download the QIF file from my website daily (once TSP updates their webpage). Enjoy and I hope this helps others out there!

Go to:


This post is to inform Quicken users that the QIF formate may not be way to go if you have a newer version of Quicken. Beginning with Quicken 2005 for Windows, and for all future versions of Quicken for Windows, QIF Data Import will no longer be available for most accounts. Seel additional infomation at link:

I use Quicken 2006 Deluxe. It recommends the CVS formate in a ASCII file for importing fund prices. Instruction state the following:
  1. Choose Investing menu > Portfolio.
  2. Choose File menu > Import > Import Prices.
  3. In the File field, enter the name of the ASCII file that contains the price data. The data must be in an acceptable CSV format. setActiveStyleSheet("containsInstep")CSV format for security prices

    The data must be in standard ASCII format with one symbol/price/date per line, separated by either commas or double spaces (using only one type of separator per line).
    These import formats are all acceptable. Note that Quicken can handle quotation marks:
    ABC, 123.456
    ABC, 123.456, 12/31/02
    ABC 123.456 12/31/02
    ABC, "ABC", 123.456, "12/31/02"
    "ABC", "123.456", "12/31
  4. In the Date field, change the date information if necessary. setActiveStyleSheet("containsInstep")If the file does not contain specified dates, import the prices to the date entered here. The currently selected date in Portfolio is the preset display in this field.
    Quicken matches prices with your securities if they have the same symbol. If your securities don't have symbols, you'll need to edit them first so they do.
  5. Click OK.
EWGuy said:
This post is to inform Quicken users that the QIF formate may not be way to go if you have a newer version of Quicken. Beginning with Quicken 2005 for Windows, and for all future versions of Quicken for Windows, QIF Data Import will no longer be available for most accounts. Seel additional infomation at link:

I use Quicken 2006 Deluxe. It recommends the CVS formate in a ASCII file for importing fund prices. Instruction state the following:
  1. Choose Investing menu > Portfolio.
  2. Choose File menu > Import > Import Prices.
  3. In the File field, enter the name of the ASCII file that contains the price data. The data must be in an acceptable CSV format. setActiveStyleSheet("containsInstep")CSV format for security prices

    The data must be in standard ASCII format with one symbol/price/date per line, separated by either commas or double spaces (using only one type of separator per line).
    These import formats are all acceptable. Note that Quicken can handle quotation marks:
    ABC, 123.456
    ABC, 123.456, 12/31/02
    ABC 123.456 12/31/02
    ABC, "ABC", 123.456, "12/31/02"
    "ABC", "123.456", "12/31
  4. In the Date field, change the date information if necessary. setActiveStyleSheet("containsInstep")If the file does not contain specified dates, import the prices to the date entered here. The currently selected date in Portfolio is the preset display in this field.
    Quicken matches prices with your securities if they have the same symbol. If your securities don't have symbols, you'll need to edit them first so they do.
  5. Click OK.
To contest the above statement, my QIF file is an ASCII format which uses the same format above. Yes, it does work with Quicken 2005, my verison.
Quicken 2005 was the initial year that Intuit started doing away with QIF importing. Intuit does not list investment accounts, but it does state 401k accounts will not accept QIF import in Quicken 2006.

I’m not saying your wrong at all, and I know it works for the older versions of Quicken, because I used QIF importing. Yes, QIF and CSV are similar, but the instructions differ. I'm just pointing out that importing QIF files will not work for the new versions of Quicken. The URL link I provided explains the details of this change.
I am working on importing share prices for each fund into MS Money 2006 and I am close but not there yet.

I went to FedSmith site and exported each fund into a seperate excel file.
I am not sure this is the way to go but limits the amount of data to import if there are errors for now.

Fedsmith website exports TSP data to csv

This site helps to explain some information on import export.

For MS Money

I used this program a macro for excel to export data into a QIF file.

Excell to qif

I can import the data and see it in MS Money but need to figure out the layout. In excel using xl2qif I applied the BANK account type with date and amount selected. I have tried the investment selection with date and price but I get an invalid header error on import into money nothing in excel file except date and share price values. The problem is the way the data is sorted or something if anyone has a tip please inform me.

The photo below is what I get in money, the imported data values are not assigned within money. Changing them with in Money is not working and it would require a manaul change to eac share price.
Seems strange I get the errors in money when importing with xl2qif with
investment (header info) selection. Hoping the register in money would match up the data in price.