Any Problems with New Version?


Staff member
Yesterday (12/11) I upgraded the board to a new version of the software. One member has reported a problem with pages not displaying; instead seeing a 504 Error page.

Is anyone seeing this, or any other problems today? Thanks.
Ok!!:d Except the Smiley didn't display this time, just a (d)! I'm using IE7! I'm sorry that IE6, forgot I'm at work!! Stupid!!
BTW, when did we start getting ads message pages? Looks like the ads are always the below the first msg on the page.
Yeah, they are popping up all over the place. In the middle of threads, at the bottom of threads and even after the last post...............:blink:
I took the ad off of the bottom of each page and added it to the 2nd post of each thread. It seems to be the "cool thing" for message board webmasters lately. I still gotta pay them bills every month. :)
Ah, so I guess it all depends on where a post is on the current page of any particular thread.....................figured that out all on my ownsome.......didn't need no magic or anything.................:D
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm fairly annoyed by the ads today...Rather than additional ads, I'd much rather prefer a yearly fee for this service...
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm fairly annoyed by the ads today...Rather than additional ads, I'd much rather prefer a yearly fee for this service...

I'm with you Russell, I wasn't gonna say it first though. We do have what, 20 moderators now? As far as I can tell, only one does what they were meant to do. The others attack you for making comments they don't like. Yes, I've been there. :embarrest:

Yearly fee seems about right. It goes with the other stuff going on now. In another year, govt. folks will be right back where we started 3 years ago, looking for guidance without having to pay someone who you don't's all about money. If you can't make it yourself, charge someone else that thinks they know how..........

That's all I have to say about that. :notrust:
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm fairly annoyed by the ads today...Rather than additional ads, I'd much rather prefer a yearly fee for this service...
I appreciate the feedback. We had discussed it a while back and if I remember correctly only about 10% or 20% of the people felt the same way. If I move to a fee based website, something like 80% of those asked said they'd split.

I am however, learning more about the board's software and there may be a way to take those ads off for those who would prefer to pay a fee. I can look into it if people are interested.

Ads, ads, I like ads. I click them two or three times apiece every time I see one. Sometimes I actually read them and have found some very interesting information on some of them. I make a point of clicking every one every day, always have, lots of fun and if you don't know why???????????? Think about it!:nuts: :nuts: :nuts: :nuts:
I appreciate the support, but don't get too carried away. Those advertisers have to pay google and me everytime there is a click. I know first hand - you should see my monthly Google ads bill. :eek:
I'm with you Russell, I wasn't gonna say it first though. We do have what, 20 moderators now? As far as I can tell, only one does what they were meant to do. The others attack you for making comments they don't like. Yes, I've been there. :embarrest:

Yearly fee seems about right. It goes with the other stuff going on now. In another year, govt. folks will be right back where we started 3 years ago, looking for guidance without having to pay someone who you don't's all about money. If you can't make it yourself, charge someone else that thinks they know how..........

That's all I have to say about that. :notrust:
So you do or don't want to pay a fee? You confused me.