Annual leave. To bank or not to bank?

Ok, that I get now. What is this PM i thing? That T-3 thing also? I never been involved in this thing this way. When was this bargained for and how long has it been in effect?

I'll leave it here for tonight and get back some more tomorrow Ok. Getting tired.

Very much appreciated and will have to bring this up with work in the near future when a situation of this nature comes about again. That should be interesting. LOL

Thanks a bunch Show-me
The "i" was a typo......I had to go let the dog out. LOL

Now a PM is a "Private Message" like e-mail. Look in the upper right hand of your screen where is sez Welcome Wolverine.

Two lines below that is a blue "Private Messages" link. Click it and it will take you to your Private Messages. Click on the messages and they will open for you to read.
T-3 is Tour 3 or 3rd shift. From approximately 3 pm to midnight. I work at a Processing and Distribution Facility. 24/7 operation.

You bet! When you think of it in these term it does add up to a nice going away party.:nuts: It has been my plan all along. I already have my 440, now I just bide my time.:cool: I take my A/L in the fall so if I need to I can turn in a few days or a week to tweak up the carry over.

Another thing for USPS folk. Use the A/L in lieu of Holiday Pay. It adds up quick. Another aspect is that when you bank A/L every pay increase adds money to the till. I figured up my increases once (generically) and it was unbelievable, if your a new guy at the bottom of the scale.

The negative side of banking annual leave is that when your pay is cut, your banked leave is worth a hell of a lot less. EX. Carrier going from a 40k to a 40h. Use it or lose it.

The negative side of banking annual leave is that when your pay is cut, your banked leave is worth a hell of a lot less. EX. Carrier going from a 40k to a 40h. Use it or lose it.

You need to change crafts. :D
I will add that if you are a new employee bank as much A/L as possible. The majority of my motivation to bank A/L was my lack of Sick Leave (S/L) banked. I have a history or thyroid cancer and the USPS does not have a short term disability plan.

I looked at my Earnings Statement and asked "how can I protect myself if I have a major recurrence". Building S/L takes a long time and the quickest way to protect yourself is banking the A/L. A 1000 hours of S/L goes quick with a major illness or accident.

Another way I protect myself is to take my A/L in the fall. That way I have the option to use the A/L if I have a recurrence. Bad part is after taking a entire month off I forget were I work. LOL :laugh:

True story: Guy had a accident and has been unable to work since like October of 2006. He "used it or lose it" his whole career. Now he has to tweak his S/L and A/L to about 20 hours a week to stretch it out. Now there is a pay cut with medical bills.

Another: Guy in 40's is found on the floor. Had a heart attack. Six months latter he is begging to come back to work because he has no more S/L or A/L.

One more: Guy goes to the dentist to get some teeth pulled. Doc sez no smoking. Guy does not listen. Get a MAJOR infection and has to have his jaw bone scraped numerous times to get rid of the infection. Ends up running out of everything and asking for Leave Donations.

Now would you donate Leave to some one who does not plan for themselves. I don't!