7/11/05 Share Prices


Staff member
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No share price update yeton TSP.gov for 7/11. GTO1970 sent them to me...

> > G 10.93
> > F 10.63
> > C 13.12
> > S 15.63
> > I 15.42
imported post

TSP has a problem with posting todays returns on their site. However, if U did a IFT the new returns were transmitted via e-mail. :cool: Spaf
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Yes, thank you both. I got your early post, Spaf.
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I agree TSP seems as though it takes a long time to post the gains/losses andfinal share pricesfor the day.

This may help. The phone service is ussually updated well before their computers are. (Ussually being the key word!:P)

1-877-968-3778 (1-TSP-YOU-FRST)

Quite a few people don't know about the phone line. You can check balances, post interfund transfers ect, ect.
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I can't explain it. Should we follow the herd?...

IMHO Maybe! But at a safe distance, Agressive No! Possibilities Yes! It's green but with a lot of speed-bumps. If stocks are selected they should be monitored with trailing limit stops. Energy is in the "worry" category and could turn against the vestors at a moments notice. Green with caution would be my selection. IMHO! :cool: Spaf