Today should be a land-mark day.
As of this writing (2:15 am.) we have 2,991 people who have signed the petition.
And we have our first REAL Wall Street investment banker who has sat up and taken notice of us. See the article at: It's not a great article in favor of our position- but it DOES recognize we exist- and that is the start.
Sometime today, I hope, the 3,000th person may be signing the petition. Myabe not today- but it could be today. We'll soon see.
Three thousand people who are willing to sign their name to stop this action. That's a lot of people. But only a tiny fraction of the number of Federal Workers and U.S. Service members, and retirees of all stripes, who will have their freedom and liberty restricted if this proposal goes through.
So I ask you again- Will you go tell your co-workers to come sign the petition today?
We're making a dent. We are raising our voices. We are speaking out for liberty and freedom. And we're getting noticed.
The way people's rights get taken away, is for people to LET THOSE WHO THINK THEY KNOW BETTER simply take them away without a fight.
What would our founding fathers say if they saw a small group of Thrift Board members today, suddenly quash the right to control one's own money? I would wager they would throw some tea into the harbor.
This is YOUR opportunity to throw some tea. Throw some tea bags at your co-workers, and tell them THEY should get on-board with the petition.
(Hey, now there's an idea. Maybe we should all send tea bags to our Congressmen, and to our Thrift Board, and to our ETAC. )