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I think this bailout will help a select group of financials particularliy GS, BAC, C and JPM
I completely agree with you on that. Friends of Hank will survive and non-friends will fail.
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I think this bailout will help a select group of financials particularliy GS, BAC, C and JPM
It's working great for day trading and I'm having a lot of fun with this volatility, going back and forth with SDS and SSO.
The failed back in Europe is currently killing the Yen carry trade. Nikkei futures are down 635. The USD/YEN was oversold and is trying to bottom out. We might have seen the lows for the day for the market.
The possibility of this bill not passing is also keeping this market down. Even if it does pass, a bounce might not last. This bill does not fix the underlying problems.
The move in the bond market today is too big, which would help the markets tomorrow.
IMO, too risky right now. Paulson has been lying all along about most of everything, including the urgency of this bailout. He intends to allow more banks to fail in the next week or 2.
I believe that you've been saying all along that this was a securitization issue and you're right. This is NOT a cash problem, this is a capital problem and those problems are not solved with cash -- that's why this bailout is, at best, suspect. You have to get to a root of the problem and make the securitized loan market transparent. Not all home and business loans are bad!!! The Federal Home Loan Banks could do this without the cash. They already have the infrastructure and it is designed to make this risk known -- not S & P nor Moody's (thank you very much aiders and abettors). You thus let the government retain the lender of last resort status, let the taxpayer/gov't keep the money and break up the securitized instruments into the different classes of "debt risk" instruments -- no more buying insurance to achieve/retain that AAA rating. But the last thing Wall Street types want is transparency, so, it'll never go anywhere and I'll just do the best I can and play with the 2 IFT's (muchas gracias senora Ray).
They don't want transparency because it will expose their lies, but they need transparency if they want the credit markets to regain confidence. Sort of a catch 22. That's why they want this bailout.
Folks, remember the super SIV that they tried to create earlier this year? It was suppose to have been an entity for them to dump their toxic assets. It didn't get off the ground because they were told to fund it themselves. This bailout is a version of that super SIV, but funded by the US taxpayer. That is why I am against this bailout. It is a looting of America.
If what Paulson says is true, I imagine we'll see several failures financial/and others in the next few days... here's the death spiral. What fundamental reason would there be to go long? None, until private equity and the sovereign wealth funds swoop in to buy blood on the street.
Even with lower mortgage rates unless you have excellent credit (750+) you will not be able to buy a house. Or you will have to have 50% down.Big drop in OIL = good!
Big drop in yields = lower mortgage rates = good!
Even with lower mortgage rates unless you have excellent credit (750+) you will not be able to buy a house. Or you will have to have 50% down.
May the force be with us.![]()
Even with lower mortgage rates unless you have excellent credit (750+) you will not be able to buy a house. Or you will have to have 50% down.
May the force be with us.![]()
Sovereign Bank's stock is down 70% right now...National City looks like the next one!!!
Sovereign Bank's stock is down 70% right now...
Does that mean you'll bail out my stock in SOV?
Check this one out. The fund starts at around the 6 minute mark when Rick Santelli comes on.
Rick is the Man. He thinks and speaks independently. He has made me money.
Thanks, 350Z
I'm getting prepared to make a move soon. We need to figure out if this Bill will pass on Thursday. If it does the market's will explode for possibly 1 day. Then again thing's can happen before then. I'm also thinking their will be an interest rate cut.
I could be wrong, but I think this bill is done. They will probably make a few changes, put a new shade of lipstick on it, and give it to the house again for a vote. I don't know if they can get her done by Thursday.