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Don't worry - gosh 350 is my butt buddy.
I like the sound of rebounding off the 200 DMA but for some reason I don't sense true capitulation. Almost like to many people see this as a buying op... as if the bleeding is done... too obvious. Where's Tom's psychological graph of fear, euphoria, etc?
we may not get a clear enough sign till after the IFT. Now, with the panic sending it red, it feels like capitulation. Will the big boys step up in the afternoon? Bear Stearns wants blood on the streets... they sold at the top and are still claiming bankruptcy for 2 hedge funds -- thieves.
By my chart 1449 is the 200 dsma and I'm watching the stream from Scottrade this morning. Wow, just can break one way or the other.
Oops, as I write this it just broke to the down. Look out below!
Can it get this ugly?
KingCambo said:"The Russel 2000 is uglier than a stack of naked Iraqies."
Goldman hedge fund reportedly hit hard
By Shawn Langlois, MarketWatch
Last Update: 12:17 PM ET Aug 11, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Goldman Sachs Group's $8 billion Global Alpha hedge fund has fallen 26% so far this year, a retreat that could lead skittish investors to cash out, according to a Friday report citing unnamed sources.
Goldman's biggest hedge fund has shed almost 40% since July 31, 2006 while the Standard & Poor's 500 Index has risen 16%, Bloomberg reported.
The fund's decline has eaten away at fees paid to Goldman , which pocketed $700 million from the fund after its 40% surge in 2005.
The poor performance could prompt redemptions. Withdrawals for the fund's $6.2 billion offshore version came to $394 million in June, an unidentified investor told Bloomberg. That was almost triple the $142 million that flowed into the fund.
There is an August 15 deadline for Global Alpha investors who want to cash out, according to the report. This is the latest evidence of a near $2-trillion industry in turmoil. Two hedge funds run by investment bank Bear Stearns were almost completely wiped out earlier this year after losing more than $1 billion, partly from leveraged subprime mortgage bets that went awry. Several other funds have been slammed by the ensuing credit markets crisis.{4DF5F778-3D4F-476C-A228-E804DA0811BB}
GS has a conference call this AM to calm the jitters. I'm guessing we'll see a major pop with the top 10 holdings in XLF today. There has beem some major accumulation in XLF... probably means the financials are working off their low. But I agree, 350, doesn't mean all green days from here.
great buy signals on R2k, OIH, GLD, Nas, DIA, SPY... basically, great time to buy.
... what if the supposed accumulation in the Financials the past several days, was really further distribution? After GS fell below support, it looks like 140 is in the cards if 170 doesn't hold. And tomorrow is get-out-of-dodge Wednesday. If XLF is supposedly a leading market indicator in this cycle, and GS and BSC seem to be influencing XLF... ok, enough doom and gloom.