350zCommtech's Account Talk

I agree that I fund looks good but I'd lose if I bought today, so I'll either stay put or go G if it looks bad for the F fund.

Not if the I fund is up tomorrow. Don't let today's loss influence your decision for tomorrow. That is how people get caught riding the market down.

Just think about tomorrow.

Good luck.
AMBAC Halted. God I hope they come out with some good news. CNBC is already putting the spin on it. Seem's like the whole crew is salvitating to talk.:confused:
350z - a quick question if you don't mind. When the dollar was getting weak towards the end of 07 - the gains in I (on the chart) were a far cry from the TSP gains. Where as the C/S were identical.

Do you expect the TSP I Fund to be less now - in the same light???
350z - a quick question if you don't mind. When the dollar was getting weak towards the end of 07 - the gains in I (on the chart) were a far cry from the TSP gains. Where as the C/S were identical.

Do you expect the TSP I Fund to be less now - in the same light???

That chart is not the I fund. It's an ETF. It's there to look at because it's the closest thing we have.
Yeal I know. May be it's just me - but it sure appears that a strong dollar lines up closer with realized gains. Several years prior it was as close as C or S - and so I'm in the long term habit of counting on it just like the others.
Dow Jones: Ambac to Stop Underwriting CDOs, Mortgage-Backed Securities

LMAO. First no split up, then split up, then no split up...now what?

back open, down 15%

ABK is done and so is the market. All that rumor BS, for the last two weeks, turned out to be just that, BS! It sounds like the banks are not going to flush any more money down the drain. I'm surprise we're not down 300 points. If you're long, please wait until tomorrow to sell. Pretty please....:D
All that rumor BS, for the last two weeks, turned out to be just that, BS!

Thanks man, that's pretty cool - makes me feel like you're family

I'm surprise we're not down 300 points. :D

Fortunately we should end the day with a gain - nothing like we were expecting but still - I'm glad we took a bite out of the loss.
With my luck I Fund will close up nicely today (for those of you in it) and sock me then tank tomorrow for a double whammy. Gratifying that instincts for this week were right so far though.:)

Everything is currently in line with favorable returns for tomorrow, and I'm 60% I Fund. Seeing the F Fund diving is wonderful news for us in High Risk. It probably won't do nearly as well as it did today but overall A LOT OF FOLKS OUT THERE ARE ANXIOUS TO SEE THINGS RISE AND THE DAY ENDED WITH GOOD SENTIMENT. IMO - this sentiment will continue tomorrow - as the BULK - are anxious to see a positive turn.
ABK is done and so is the market. All that rumor BS, for the last two weeks, turned out to be just that, BS! It sounds like the banks are not going to flush any more money down the drain. I'm surprise we're not down 300 points. If you're long, please wait until tomorrow to sell. Pretty please....:D

Spot on! Now get out of my head. :nuts::laugh: Let's throw out some more shares for the private investors to buy while blowing a 6% rally. Brilliant. Why? Because the banks don't have the cash to **** away.

This one will be hard for even CNBC to spin.
Bankers might argue that they have the cash flow to pay dividends - their write-downs are often paper losses, the result of marking assets to market prices that may or may not reflect their true value. Of course, slashing dividends to common stock holders - or freezing them temporarily, as some have proposed - might drive away mom and pop investors, especially those in dividend-focused mutual funds.
Spot on! Now get out of my head. :nuts::laugh: Let's throw out some more shares for the private investors to buy while blowing a 6% rally. Brilliant. Why? Because the banks don't have the cash to **** away.

This one will be hard for even CNBC to spin.

They're not getting any new business. Not even from munis. Baring a government bailout, they are done. Their shares are worthless.

Their AAA rating means nothing, according to the markets. Look at all the fail bond auctions.

After all the back door negotiations with the banks, for the past month, they're now back to raising money by selling shares. That idiot on CNBC(Gasperino) must feel like a jackass.

Thornburg failure to meet margin call trigger cross-defaults
By Sue Chang
Last update: 6:20 p.m. EST March 5, 2008

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) - Thornburg Mortgage Inc. Thornburg Mortgage Asset Corp failed to meet a margin call of about $28 million which in turn triggered a string of cross-defaults, the company said Wednesday in a regulatory filing. It also said that JP Morgan Chase Bank , which had extended the original margin call, has notified the mortgage company that it will exercise its right. The total amount lent to Thornburg is about $320 million, according to the filing. http://www.marketwatch.com/news/sto...x?guid={00048508-F8A2-47D3-8919-560B0B68D336}