It’s always the same old Bull-crap from Kudlow. However, I do enjoy some of his political guests from time-to-time.
Birchtree was on last year giving some market thoughts. I thought he was much older, but looked very young. It must be his ability to handle life that keeps him looking so young.
He is one of the coolest buy-and-hold investor I have ever blogged with and I might add I do enjoy exchanging comments with him on his Bullish thread.
Wait a minute, I think I'm getting Dennis confused with Art Laffer. Sorry Dennis!
Anyway, while Kudlow was telling folks to buy stocks, Henry was shorting the DOW.
Signal Date: October 4, 2007 50% Short at 13,956, and on January 9, 2008 he covered his 50% short position in our DJIA Timing System at a DJIA print of 12,630, giving him a gain of 1,326 points, he also went 50% long at the same price.
My point is during this entire time Kudlow was telling investors to buy.
Bottom Line: PermaBulls and PermaBears are to be avoided if you’re a Market Timer or Trader.
Take Care!
A permabull is a financial pundit who is always bullish on the market.
Lawrence Kudlow is such a permabull. He never changes his stance on the market or economy.