350zCommtech's Account Talk

My husband, the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, has been telling me for months that we are going into a recession.

He bases this on: collections on account grow more difficult with each passing month. People are still buying, but not paying so great. When it gets really bad, they will stop buying.

He, in case anybody gives a cr@p, sells products and service to other small businesses.

He swears he knew about the 2000 fiasco 6 months before the news media reported it.

Of course, it's all a matter of perception.

My husband, the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, has been telling me for months that we are going into a recession.

He bases this on: collections on account grow more difficult with each passing month. People are still buying, but not paying so great. When it gets really bad, they will stop buying.

He, in case anybody gives a cr@p, sells products and service to other small businesses.

He swears he knew about the 2000 fiasco 6 months before the news media reported it.

Of course, it's all a matter of perception.


History has shown that the markets will rally 2-3 months into recession. It could be a lagg, disconnect, or just plain "a suckers rally".

I'm not about to go into a buy and hold or capital preservation mode just yet.:)
The F fund does look comfy now......I'm surprised no one else thought of it. Don't be shocked if people start joining you.

It's very tempting to join you!

Come on in. I think S&S was the only other person that went 100% F. We can make room for one more.:)

Although, I'll be ready jump back in the I fund. I think the stock market is still pricing in a "soft landing", despite what the bond traders have been forcasting the last 10-12 months.
Well, I finally got that rally in Japan. The dollar might fall tomorrow but the markets wil propably also. Tough decision today.
Naugh... like Bugs Bunny when he finds gold, perhaps. :)

An idiot... you are most certainly not.

You do good things for the members in this electronic community, and I appreciate your input.
Jumping around too much in a bull run makes you look like an idiot!

Yes, I'm an idiot!:nuts:
... yeah 350z, had I known chicks in daisy dukes polish guys' bumpers that do tech analysis, I would have gone to math class.